方法有:get_parent,write,write_rich_text,merge,write_merge,insert_bitmap,col,row,row_height,col_width。 下面例子使用 insert_bitmap来插入图片。 from xlwt import *, w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Image') ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 2, 2) ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 10, ...
ws.write(1, 2, Formula("A2*B2")) ws.write(2, 2, Formula("A3*B3")) ws.write(3, 2, Formula("A4*B4*sin(pi()/4)")) ws.write(4, 2, Formula("A5%*B5*pi()/1000"))### NOTE: parameters are separated by semicolon!!!###ws.write(5, 2, Formula("C1+C2+C3+C4+C5/(C1+C...
方法有:get_parent,write,write_rich_text,merge,write_merge,insert_bitmap,col,row,row_height,col_width。 下面例子使用insert_bitmap来插入图片。代码:image.py: fromxlwt import *, w =Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Image') ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 2, 2) ws.insert_bitmap('python.bm...
方法有:get_parent,write,write_rich_text,merge,write_merge,insert_bitmap,col,row,row_height,col_width。 下面例子使用 insert_bitmap来插入图片。 from xlwt import *, w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Image') ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 2, 2) ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 10, ...
@charset "UTF-8";.markdown-body{word-break:break-word;line-height:1.75;font-weight:400;font-...
方法有:get_parent,write,write_rich_text,merge,write_merge,insert_bitmap,col,row,row_height,col_width。 使用insert_bitmap来插入图片。 from xlwt import *, w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Image') ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 2, 2) ...
Changed Worksheet.Worksheet.write to allow a rich_text_list as a data value; this allows rich text to be written in a write_merge() call. Consequential changes in the Row module. sjmachincommitted 36974aa Commits on Dec 1, 2010 Added "rich text" patch provided by Robert Burton. Changed...
('sheet name',cell_overwrite_ok=True)file.save('demo.xls') # 保存文件# 另外,使用stylestyle = xlwt.XFStyle() # 初始化样式font = xlwt.Font() # 为样式创建字体font.name = 'Times New Roman'font.bold = Truestyle.font = font #为样式设置字体table.write(0, 0, 'some bold Times text',...
方法有: get_parent , write , write_rich_text , merge , write_merge , insert_bitmap , col , row , row_height, col_width 。使用in sert_bitmap来插入图片from xlwt import * ,w = Workbook。ws = w.add_sheet(lmage)ws.i nsert_bitmap(pytho n.bmp, 2, 2)ws.i nsert_bitmap(pytho ...
('sheet name',cell_overwrite_ok=True)file.save('demo.xls') # 保存文件# 另外,使用stylestyle = xlwt.XFStyle() # 初始化样式font = xlwt.Font() # 为样式创建字体font.name = 'Times New Roman'font.bold = Truestyle.font = font #为样式设置字体table.write(0, 0, 'some bold Times text',...