By what name was xkcd's What If? The Video Series (2023) officially released in Canada in English? Answer Please see our guide to updating awards See more gaps Learn more about contributing More from this title FAQ User reviews External reviews ...
what if? & how to: the news Thenext What If? video, "What if the wise men kept walking after Jesus’s birth?" is up on YouTube now! ◀︎▶︎ Comet Ice Could I cool down the Earth by capturing a comet and dropping it in the ocean, like an ice cube in a glass of wate...
* In-App purchase, no more ads if you don't want them more What’s New Version History Version 1.7 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. New Features: * Push Notifications - be notified of new articles, now pushed to your phone immediately! * Tex...
Could you make an umbrella out of lasers?这个视频探讨了用激光伞拦截雨水的概念。它计算了蒸发一升水所需的能量,结果显示一场大雨每升水需要大约2.6MJ。适应光学技术提议针对每滴雨水,这就需要一平方米约每秒500次脉冲,这
What if you tried to print Wikipedia? 视频讨论了一个假设问题:如果想要打印整个维基百科并保持与在线版本的更新同步,需要多少台打印机。问题来自Suzanne,她想知道为了跟上英文维基百科的每日约150,000次编辑(每分钟约100次),需要多少台打印机。视频中提到,只需要...
InWhat If 2, I answer new questions I’ve receieved in the years sinceWhat If?was released. People have asked about touching exotic materials, traveling across space and time, eating things they shouldn’t, and smashing large objects into the Earth. There are questions about lasers, explosio...
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《那些古怪又让人忧心的问题whatif?》是前NASA员工、超热门科普漫画“xkcd”作家兰德尔·门罗的新作,内容来自他的“WhatIf”科学问答专栏,辅以“xkcd”经典火柴人漫画,轻松幽默地将各学科知识跃然纸上。 如果人体内的DNA瞬间消失了会怎样?如果把海水抽干会怎样?如果地球膨胀得像太阳一样大会怎样?牛排从多高的地方掉...
* Push notifications for new posts * iPad Version, enjoy the articles on the big screen * In-App purchase, no more ads if you don't want them What’s New Version History 24 Mar 2016 Version 1.7 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. ...