《那些古怪又让人忧心的问题whatif?》是前NASA员工、超热门科普漫画“xkcd”作家兰德尔·门罗的新作,内容来自他的“WhatIf”科学问答专栏,辅以“xkcd”经典火柴人漫画,轻松幽默地将各学科知识跃然纸上。 如果人体内的DNA瞬间消失了会怎样?如果把海水抽干会怎样?如果地球膨胀得像太阳一样大会怎样?牛排从多高的地方掉...
This book explores unusual approaches to common tasks, and looks at what would happen to you if you tried them. Figuring out why they would or wouldn’t work can be fun and informative and sometimes lead you to surprising places. Maybe an idea is bad, but figuring out exactlywhyit’s a...
And what would happen if we opened them up, heated them up, cooled them down, pointed them in a different direction, or pressed this button? In Thing Explainer, Munroe gives us the answers to these questions and so many more. Funny, interesting, and always understandable, this book is ...
天才作者,前NASA员工、网络最火科普专栏What If合集:作者曾在NASA制造机器人,后来成为科普漫画家,玩转物理、天文、生物、化学、数学各学科知识,轻松接招粉丝们提出的脑洞大开的问题,配上xkcd风格的火柴人漫画,幽默机智的答案让人拍案叫绝! 国内外人气爆棚,粉丝众多:国外诸多一线媒体、TED演讲人、天文学家、科普作家联...
Byline: Elijah Wolfson The Internet is history's greatest repository of minutiae, and its...Wolfson, Elijah
This book creates laughs from science jokes on one page to relationship humor on another. xkcd: volume 0 is the first book from the immensely popular webcomic with a passionate readership (just Google "xkcd meetup"). The artist selected personal and fan favorites from his first 600 comics. ...
Book Podcasts Lying Urban Planning Opinion Progression xkcd Phone Flip Haunted House Iceberg Efficiency Exoplanet Observation Brassica Gold Autumn and Fall Abstract Pickup Fossil *@gmail.com Path Minimization Inspiration Pronunciation Circuit Symbols Electron Holes Types of Solar Eclipse Car Wash Perseids ...
What If? 2 WI?•TE•HT A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. Special 10th anniversary edition of WHAT IF?—revised and annotated with brand-new illustrations and answers to important questions you never thought to ask—out now. Order it here! Saw...
Book Podcasts Lying Urban Planning Opinion Progression xkcd Phone Flip Haunted House Iceberg Efficiency Exoplanet Observation Brassica Gold Autumn and Fall Abstract Pickup Fossil *@gmail.com Path Minimization Inspiration Pronunciation Circuit Symbols Electron Holes Types of Solar Eclipse Car Wash Perseids ...
I’m sure it does. What-Ifs began going up days late or not at all last year around the time that he announced the What-If book, so he must be spending all his time working on explaining things in basic terms and drawing pictures. I can’t wait!