Galaxies Advanced Techniques Consensus Time Deviled Eggs False Dichotomy Qua I Shouldn't Complain Outlet Denier Party Quadrants For the Sake of Simplicity Greek Letters Rounding Headline Words Chorded Keyboard Data Trap Health Stats Rest and Fluids Tractor Beam Sword Pull Sea Chase Control Group What ...
or explore innovative graphic techniques, setting them apart from the ordinary static comics. He will useanimated GIFs, rather than standard formats, for some of the simplerdynamic comicimages and will engage with complex page and server-side scripting to present the reader with the more immersive...
Galaxies Advanced Techniques Consensus Time Deviled Eggs False Dichotomy Qua I Shouldn't Complain Outlet Denier Party Quadrants For the Sake of Simplicity Greek Letters Rounding Headline Words Chorded Keyboard Data Trap Health Stats Rest and Fluids Tractor Beam Sword Pull Sea Chase Control Group What ...
Maps where countries are coloured in with flag patterns: I’ve seen a lot of them around, especially on Reddit, but I haven’t necessarily liked them; xkcd’s comic from last Wednesday goes one step further in that it offers a way to hack them. Link•Categories Art•Tags comics, fla...
Advanced TechniquesConsensus TimeDeviled EggsFalse DichotomyQuaI Shouldn't ComplainOutlet DenierParty QuadrantsFor the Sake of SimplicityGreek LettersRoundingHeadline WordsChorded KeyboardData TrapHealth StatsRest and FluidsTractor BeamSword PullSea ChaseControl Group...
Use the techniques described at the above question on the server (i.e. bcrypt, scrypt or PBKDF2), and the advice at Is there a method of generating site-specific passwords which can be executed in my own head? on the use of SuperGenPass (or SuperChromePass) on the user/client ...
exactly the same as PoA techniques. The goal isn't to get to know someone to see if you're compatible; it's to manipulate them and coerce them into "feeling at ease" or into a semblance of a relationship. And if you despise a woman enough to describe her as a "super full of hers...
SBN: "I just want to add to the combining quotes in replies techniques. The control key is your friend. I tend to use control-Quote to open a new reply, and then combine the replies into one." NoMouse: "Also middle mouse button works in all browsers the same way as ctrl+click." ...
I consulted davean’s deep knowledge of game programming techniques. We walked through the code together over Discord. Neither of us could spot an obvious problem with the formulae until we started stepping through the physics state tick by tick. At last, we spotted a deeper problem!
Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): RSS Feed - Atom Feed - Email Comics I enjoy: Three Word Phrase, SMBC, Dinosaur Comics, Oglaf (nsfw), A Softer World, Buttersafe, Perry ...