xkcd: Dimensional Analysis xkcd: Self-Description xkcd: FIRST Design xkcd: Semicontrolled Demolition xkcd: MicroSD xkcd: Dirty Harry https:/...
Art Stargazing 2 OEIS Submissions New Phone Thread JWST Delays Rock Thorough Analysis Newton's Trajectories Update Notes Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Irony Definition Brookhaven RHIC Customer Rewards Attention Span Sun and Earth Presidential Succession LeBron James and Stephen Curry Clickbait-Corrected p-Value...
The25 March 2024 xkcdhonours Greenland’s place as a measure of cartographic distortion. It’s also, unexpectedly, a riff on the idea of the 1:1 scale map (cf.Borges), especially if you consult the comic’s alt text: “The Mercator projection drastically distorts the size of almost ever...
Wall ArtStargazing 2OEIS SubmissionsNew Phone ThreadJWST DelaysRockThorough AnalysisNewton's TrajectoriesUpdate NotesHertzsprung-Russell DiagramIrony DefinitionBrookhaven RHICCustomer RewardsAttention SpanSun and EarthPresidential SuccessionLeBron James and Stephen CurryClickbait-Corrected p-Value...
Humans are too dumb to do this level of analysis. 03:04, 9 April 2022 (UTC) My (limited) experience with CAPTCHA is it doesn't matter what tiles you click, as long as you don't take too long to finish.(which can happen if you spend a lot of time squinting at the...
(It is worth noting that the traditional statistical analysis described above, doesn't directly say anything about how likely the hypothesis is to be *true*. It simply assesses whether the data is consistent with the null hypothesis.) Under Bayesian analysis, you begin with aprior probability, ...
Caswallon: "Well, considering that so far everything in the One True Comic has abided by all laws of physics, structural analysis, engineering, fluid dynamics, flavor profiles, dimensionality, general relativity, string theory, causality, thermodynamics, and general decency... Needless to say I'...
Art Stargazing 2 OEIS Submissions New Phone Thread JWST Delays Rock Thorough Analysis Newton's Trajectories Update Notes Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Irony Definition Brookhaven RHIC Customer Rewards Attention Span Sun and Earth Presidential Succession LeBron James and Stephen Curry Clickbait-Corrected p-Value...
Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): RSS Feed - Atom Feed - Email Comics I enjoy: Three Word Phrase, SMBC, Dinosaur Comics, Oglaf (nsfw), A Softer World, Buttersafe, Perry ...
Statistical analysis of the polling data by FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a much better chance than it did Romney; but that was due to a number of factors not picked up by pundits, like the high number of undecideds in the run-up to the 2016 election, and that Nate Silver's models (correct...