Dr. Chen has published over 1000 peer-reviewed papers (H-index >190, total citations > 130,000 based on google scholar) and numerous books and book chapters. He is the founding editor of journal “Theranostics” (IF = 12.4 based 2023 Journal Citation Report). He was elected as AIMBE ...
在国际一流学术会议和重要期刊上发表论文逾200篇,Google Scholar论文引用逾2.8万次。带领团队研制发布了全球第一个中文慕课平台“学堂在线”,为发展我国在线教育事业做出了贡献。曾获“全国优秀科技工作者”、“首都市民学习之星”、“清华大学良师益友”等荣誉。 “刘冰奖” 于2011年刘冰同志九十岁诞辰之际设立,旨在...
Jiang Xiaoyuan (ed.), History of Science in the Multiculture: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2005, 420 pp. As indicated by the title, this vol...
(h-index >190, total citations > 130,000 based on google scholar) and numerous books and book chapters. he is the founding editor of journal “theranostics” (if = 12.4 based 2023 journal citation report). he was elected as aimbe fellow (2017) and snmmi fellow (2020), joined ...
(h-index >190, total citations > 130,000 based on google scholar) and numerous books and book chapters. he is the founding editor of journal “theranostics” (if = 12.4 based 2023 journal citation report). he was elected as aimbe fellow (2017) and snmmi fellow (2020), joined ...