Google Scholar Publications 2023 Interpretable Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles via Counterfactual Responsibility Kai-Chieh Hsu,Karen Leung,Yuxiao Chen, Jaime Fernandez Fisac,Marco Pavone ...
My name can be pronounced approximately as Shee-aw Chen Joo Links to: CV, Google Scholar, DBLP, GitHub, Twitter Jump to section: [About] [Publications] [Teaching] [Service] [Honors] About meI'm a PhD student at the EECS department at MIT who started in fall 2024, and I am very ...
Johns Hopkins University Email: ziang.xiao [at] jhu (dot) edu Google Scholar/Twitter News. HEAL workshop is coming back for CHI 2025! The submission deadline is Feb 17th AOE.[Link] About. I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science atJohns Hopkins University. I completed my Ph.D in...
Google Scholar Profile: open-sourced papers and repos:The Structural Re-parameterization Universe:RepLKNet (CVPR 2022) Powerful efficient architecture with very large kernels (31x31) and guidelines ...
Google Scholar Profile: Homepage: My open-sourced papers and repos: TheStructural Re-parameterization Universe: Model compression and acceleration: Releases
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