此外,XHOF-TAQ 中的 TAQ 配体在光照下具有单线态开壳双自由基结构,可释放激发电子催化可溶性 U(VI) 还原为不溶性 U(IV),从而将铀从液体中固定下来。 在 0.10 g L-1 的低剂量下,XHOF-TAQ表现出 93.0% 的高还原性。此外,由于其合适的带隙和带位,XHOF-TAQ 显示出对铀的选择性光还原能力。总之,本...
XHOF-TAQ对铀(VI)的光还原性能研 此外,XHOF-TAQ中的TAQ配体在光照下具有开壳单重态双自由基结构,可释放激发电子,从而催化可溶性铀(VI)还原为不溶性铀(IV),达到固定液态铀的功能。即使XHOF-TAQ是在0.10 g/L的低剂量情况下,还原率仍然高达93.0%。由于其合适的带隙和带位,XHOF-TAQ对铀具有选择性光还...
The electron-withdrawing effect of Cl combined with the electron-rich property of the organic ligand TAQ strengthens the hydrogen bonds and endows XHOF-TAQ with high stability. Due to the production of excited electrons by TAQ under light irradiation, XHOF-TAQ can efficient...
Although the HOF also uses hydrogen bonds to construct the framework, hydrogen bonds are formed directly between the ligands, while the XHOF utilizes central halogen atoms to connect the ligands. The light-induced singlet open-shell diradical structure of TAQ provides excited electrons to efficiently...
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XHof3 #SLANDER##Love is Gone# 刚开始听这首歌就单纯觉得好听而已,慢慢的我听出了一种无奈,一种无力。跨年派对下午DJ试音跟他交流的时候他说他会放这首歌,当时想即使听见了估计也会很平静吧。我还是高估了自己心理承受能力,晚上听见这首歌的时候眼泪还是忍不住,心里充斥着无奈和无力。that your love is ...
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