Xe Vision xe Air Blade xe Wave xe Winner xe SH Xe Lead xe SH Mode xe Future xe Vario xe Shadow xe Winner X xe Sonic xe Exciter xe Janus xe Sirius xe Grande xe Latte xe Z300 xe W175 xe Liberty xe Vespa xe Satria xe Raider
R3#sh ip mroute count Use "show ip mfib count" to get better response time for a large number of mroutes. IP Multicast Statistics 3 routes using 2938 bytes of memory 2 groups, 0.50 average sources per group Forwarding Counts: Pkt Count/Pkts per second/Avg Pkt Size/Kil...
(OIF-null, rate-limit etc) Group:, Source count: 1, Packets forwarded: 1455, Packets received: 1458 <<< RP-tree: Forwarding: 1/0/100/0, Other: 1/0/0 Source:, Forwarding: 1454/1/113/0, Other: 1457/3/0 R3#sh ip mroute count Use "show ...
Check rm -rf /tmp/usr_sim_mode1 /etc/init.d/LteMange_Mode1.sh & while [ true ];do [ -e /tmp/usr_sim_mode1 ] && break || /etc/init.d/LteMange_Mode1.sh; sleep 3;done lsusb | sed -n '4p' lsusb | grep -E "2020:2040|2020:2060|1508:1001|12d1:15c1|19d2:0199|19d2...
更新2-2020/3/10 22:30 重写ipq40xx的均衡脚本,将CPU1与CPU2用于处理网络端口队列,CPU8处理无线 更新1-2020/3/9 0:35 将ipq40xx.sh中网络相关irq全部指定至CPU2,与实验中相同。 1.早在3年前,上面说的平衡PandoraBox全都有了. 2.影响NAT最大的不是这个多核平衡,而是offload,就是我们常说的GSO/TSO,...
Describe the issue Setting a new password for SYS and SYSTEM works, but fails for PDBADMIN: [oracle@localhost ~]$ /home/oracle/setPassword.sh Not_Very_N1ce_Pass The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /opt/oracle SQL*Plus: Release 1...
Post the complete output to the command "sh version". 0 Helpful Reply CarloSalvador Level 1 In response to Leo Laohoo 11-25-2021 12:06 PM @Leo Laohoo Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.06.06Cisco IOS Software [Everest], ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD...
Inside Lima run: ./buildContainerImage.sh -v 18.4.0 -x no --platform flag necessary as I am on x86_64 already this took a really long time (about 6 hours !!!) - now you know why it's called slow mode docker run --name myxedb -d -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_PWD=system -e OR...
[REFINE] Template: remove `build_native.sh` [REFINE] Template: ARC support on iOS and Mac OS [REFINE] UI: TTF and BMFont label wrap mode will automanytically changed to char wrap mode when label's width is less than word's boundary ...
CHÉN BI FCC LEAD2020 510-E9E44-00 (K2T) 237,500₫ Thêm vào giỏ hàng Add to wishlist Compare Quick View -28% CỤM PULY SAU FCC AB160/VARIO160/LEAD125’21/SHMODE125 (K2S) 201-E9E59-00 900,000₫ Thêm vào giỏ hàng ...