Xe Vision xe Air Blade xe Wave xe Winner xe SH Xe Lead xe SH Mode xe Future xe Vario xe Shadow xe Winner X xe Sonic xe Exciter xe Janus xe Sirius xe Grande xe Latte xe Z300 xe W175 xe Liberty xe Vespa xe Satria xe Raider
*Oct 30 19:54:55.633: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: Switch 1 R0/0: Oct 30 19:54:55 install_engine.sh: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Started install one-shot flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.06.01.SPA.bininstall_add_activate_commit: Adding PACKAGE This operation requires a reload...
Also, the installer script install.sh has the command-line options: -t [FOLDER] or --tmp-dir [FOLDER] where [FOLDER] is a directory path, which can direct the use of intermediate storage to another disk partition referenced by [FOLDER]. [FOLDER] should be a non-shared storage location ...
Router#sh ver | i Configuration registerConfiguration register is 0x8000 ステップ 4:これは必須ステップです。 コンフィギュレーションレジスタを0x2102に戻し、sdwanソフトウェアのリセットを実行します。これにより、既存の設定がすべて消去されます。 ルータはこのステップでリブートし、...
shell nsapimgr_wr.sh -ys skip_systemaccess_policyeval=0 shell "echo 'nsapimgr_wr.sh -ys skip_systemaccess_policyeval=0' >> /nsconfig/rc.netscaler" reboot HA Pair On primary: enable ns feature responder add responder action respondwith403 respondwith "\"HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n\...
Camera.TorchMode := TTorchMode.ModeOff;//关闭闪光灯 Camera.FlashMode := FMX.Media.TFlashMode.fmFlashOn; Camera.Kind := FMX.Media.TCameraKind.ckFrontCamera;//前置摄像头 Camera.Kind := FMX.Media.TCameraKind.ckBackCamera;//后置摄像头...
Both are main mode but other peer initiate new phase1 and this peer still have some time before start new phase1, if you do show again after a while it will show you only one. if these two line appear always then you must check the ISKAMP lifetime
Next, you need to set the TimesTen XE environment within WSL viattenv.sh. cd ~/xe/bin The ttenv.sh [or ttenv.csh] script sets the TimesTen environment: TIMESTEN_HOME PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH CLASSPATH TNS_ADMIN Then usettIsqlto create the database. ...
Following antibodies and concentration were used: Anti-SLC25A39 (Proteintech, 14963-1-AP, 1:100); Anti-VDAC (Cell Signaling Technology, 4661 T, 1:1000); Anti-SHMT2 (Sigma-Aldrich, HPA-020549, 1:1000); Anti-Calreticulin (Cell Signaling Technology, 12238 T, 1:1000); Anti-LAMP2 (...
本文会介绍运行IOS-XE的Catalyst3850/3650 和新产品Catalyst9K的两种启动模式: Install Mode 和 Bundle Mode . Install Mode ->使用packages.conf启动 -先将 xxx.bin文件解压到flash中(必须放在flash中), 生成多个packages 文件(xxx.pkg)和一个 provisioning