App crashes at launch on missing symbol AVPlayerView... except on first launch I don't know what triggered this in a previously-running application I'm developing: When I have the build target set to "My Mac (designed for iPad)," I now must delete all the app's build materials under...
when upgrading Xcode from 15.4 to 16.2, my apps crash at launch. device: iphone 14 pro max, iOS version 18.2.1 Termination Reason: DYLD 4 Symbol missing Symbol not found: _$s10Foundation4DateV4GRDB24DatabaseValueConvertibleA2dEP08databaseE0AD0dE0VvgTW Full Report Below: Full Report {"app_...
symbol: String - Breakpoint symbol (only used by symbolic breakpoints) module: String - Breakpoint module (only used by symbolic breakpoints) scope: String - Breakpoint scope (only used by exception breakpoints) All Objective-C (default) C++ stopOnStyle: String - Indicates if should stop on...
Create .symbol files with this one weird trick iTunesConnect symbolification uses a new file format called.symbol(unlike all the third-party services, which usedSYM). Again, this is only generated by the Xcode GUI and so only the GUI, and not Xcode Server norxcodebuildknows how to do it...
SF Symbol: How to for Swift & SwiftUI Apple introduced SF Symbols during WWDC 2019 as a big present for developers, as they're straightforward and free to use ... • 10 min read Dec 10, 2024 / Swift Enum explained in-depth with code examples in Swift Enum usage in Swift: If case...
use of private_extern on a declaration may not produce external symbol private to the linkage unit and is deprecated -Wprotocol method %0 in protocol not implemented -Wprotocol-property-synthesis-ambiguity property of type %0 was selected for synthesis -Wreadonly-iboutlet-property readonly IBOutl...
Undefined symbol: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftXPC I build an XCFramework in xcode 15.3 and install the framework in my example application. Everything is fine when I run the example app in xcode 15.3, but if I run the example app in xcode 15.2 I get this error: Undefined symbol: _swift_FO...
The function abort_swift_entry_main_entry_point_not_found___debug_dylib suggests that the main entry point in the debug dylib is missing. The app uses SwiftUI and includes a widget extension. The issue persists even after disabling SwiftUI Previews and cleaning the build. **Notably, like ...
Weak symbol imports are linked as non-weak imports, when used from LTO object files. (115521975) Workaround: Add -Wl,-weak_reference_mismatches,weak or -Wl,-ld_classic options to the OTHER_LDFLAGS build setting. Since other problems with Xcode 15 prevents me from making a testable release ...
the Missing Translation rule will specify here the string resource key that seems to be missing.) file— The full path to the file that this diagnostic refers to context— The name/signature of a “parent” code symbol of the section of code this diagnostic refers to (e.g. a function ...