Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - 【xcode15 ios】Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 Symbol · flutter/flutter@36e3926
Added Swift code to Objective-C project. Built and working for simulator. Failing with Undefined symbol error for Archive. Deep investigation of compiled files Objective-C "*.o" file wants symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_AClass But AClass.swift "AClass.o" file have only (per nm out...
Xcode 报错 Undefined symbol:OBJC_CLASS$ ... Build Setting 找到 Other Linker Flags 添加--$(inherited) 重新编译 .. 即可. (如果你的Other Linker Flags里面有$(inherited), 那就换别的办法吧)
第一种可能,升级Xcode导致链接的库失效 刚刚升级了Xcode16.1 发现项目无法运行了,提示了大量的Undefined symbol *,检查发现这些错误都出现在了同一个SDK中,我就去找第三方厂家给提供的SDK Demo,发现人家的Demo可以正常运行,然后我就创建了一个OC环境的项目按照人家的文档在Generate中导入相关的库发现还是不行,发现有...
将libresolv.dylib 添加到工程引用中(通过build phases中)。补充: _res_9_init定义在resolv.h中,可以参考http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/libresolv/libresolv-25/resolv.h
` Could not build the precompiled application for the device. Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _FIRConsentStatusDenied Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _FIRConsentStatusGranted Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _FIRConsentTypeAdStorage Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _FIRConsentTypeAnalyticsStorage ...
Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: ___cxa_guard_release Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: ___gxx_personality_v0 Error launching application on Ali Raza’s iPhone. Exited` I am running it on I phone XS runing IOS 16.0 here is my flutter doctor output ...
编译项目时常报如 Undefined symbols: ".objc_class_name_PlacardView", referenced from: literal-pointer@__OBJC@__cls_refs@PlacardView in MoveMe2View.o ld: symbol(s) not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 没有这样的文件或目录 bogon:03oc whome$ cc one.o bug:Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_test", referenced from: _main in one.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 ...
cannot link directly with 'SwiftUlCore' because product being built is not an allowed client of it less Undefined symbol: _main × Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Build failed 20/09/2024, I know this used to work. I must have changed something somewher...