Xcode升级到13后原来的项目打开就报错Cannot find 'xxxx' in scope; 都是针对OC类的报错; 虽然可以正常运行但是看起来很烦; 解决办法 Targets > Build Settings Precompile Bridging Header 设为NO
当你在Xcode中遇到“cannot find type 'PhoneNumberKit' in scope”这样的编译错误时,这通常意味着Xcode无法在当前的编译环境中识别PhoneNumberKit这个库。以下是针对你提供的提示,分点进行的详细解答: 1. 确认PhoneNumberKit库是否已正确安装 首先,确保你已经将PhoneNumberKit库添加到了你的Xcode项目中。你可以通过Co...
var a = 🙉 in a new iPhone/iPad Swift Project, and I get the error from the Xcode text editor: "cannot find 🙉 in scope" I suppose there is an option somewhere in the Project parameters which enables emojis ... but where ? thank's for any clue! Boost Copy ThMartin question Cla...
I've got the same issue. In Xcode 13 only, I get "Cannot find X in scope" errors for all the objective-c stuff that i'm using in Swift, but the project still builds and runs successfully. 0 Copy Helam answer YShaw Oct ’21 I've got the same issue. Is there any way to s...
This error is a compiler bug: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-13137 (please click the link and vote in order to help having it fixed). It happens when a Column defined by one record type is used in another file. A workaround is to prepe...
Cannot build my project, currently running Xcode 15 Beta with macOS 14 Sonoma Beta. Stacktrace & log output No response Can you reproduce the bug? Always Reproduction Steps No response Version 10.40.0 What Atlas Services are you using?
此外,应用程序构建和运行,似乎没有问题访问那些Objective-C构建的类,但编译器继续抛出错误,指出它无法找到这些类。我试过删除衍生数据和清理。我错过了什么?这可能是其他人经历过的新Xcode bug吗?Swift编译器错误:在作用域中找不到“ClassName.h” xcode
3.在sdk4.0及以上使用RegexKitLite报'captureCount' was not declared in this scope错误,是在非.m文件中使用了它的原因. /bbs/?tid=38784&page=e a is no sdk with the name or path. 从网上down的开源代码,结果运行的时候常出现这样的错,并且在deployment中没有ios deployment target 选项. ...
Trend Question Official Event Official Columnopen_in_new Organization【Flutter】Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Cannot find 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant' in scopeを解決するlikers No likers How developers code is here.© 2011-2025Qiita Inc. Guide & Help About Terms Privacy Guideline Media Kit Feedbac...
/Users/atomu/Desktop/GitHub/project/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift:17:5: error: cannot find 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant' in scope GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) ^~~~ remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization Command CompileSwift...