var a = 🙉 in a new iPhone/iPad Swift Project, and I get the error from the Xcode text editor: "cannot find 🙉 in scope" I suppose there is an option somewhere in the Project parameters which enables emojis ... but where ? thank's for any clue! Boost Copy ThMartin question Cla...
Xcode升级到13后原来的项目打开就报错Cannot find 'xxxx' in scope; 都是针对OC类的报错; 虽然可以正常运行但是看起来很烦; 解决办法 Targets > Build Settings Precompile Bridging Header 设为NO
当你在Xcode中遇到“cannot find type 'PhoneNumberKit' in scope”这样的编译错误时,这通常意味着Xcode无法在当前的编译环境中识别PhoneNumberKit这个库。以下是针对你提供的提示,分点进行的详细解答: 1. 确认PhoneNumberKit库是否已正确安装 首先,确保你已经将PhoneNumberKit库添加到了你的Xcode项目中。你可以通过Co...
Hello, I'm trying to perform simple async tasks wrapped in a Task struct but the compiler always says "error: cannot find 'Task' in scope" using XCode 13 with macOS 12's last beta Even the simplier playground like this one, fails: import Foundation func foo() async -> String { await...
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 14 Plus in debug mode... Xcode build done. 7.6s Failed to build iOS app Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Cannot find 'isInspectable' in scope /Users/kirtitripathi/.pub-cache/git/flutter_inappwebview-b00b3781ef48459cef127ff9071fb95615a1b88e/ios/Classes/In...
DB has 'phaseTwo' migration; Removes phase one content… c3b06ea grouementioned this issueJul 3, 2020 [SR-13137] Swift 5.3 regression: error "Cannot find 'CodingKeys' in scope"swiftlang/swift#55584 Closed
At some point in my app's development, my Unit Tests and UI Tests lost access to my app's main module: 🛑 Cannot find type 'FileVacuumViewController' in scope They worked with the xctestplan before. I don't know at what point it happened. I tried not importing @testable, including...
控制台中的命令(如po "hi" )按预期将"hi“输出到控制台。相反,尝试运行po <variable_name>时,总是输出以下行: error: <EXPR>:3:1: error: cannot find 'variable_name' in scope 而不是期望变量的值。我采取的步骤将这些行添加到Swift代码中让示例= "hi“print(e 浏览1提问于2020-10-23得票数 15...
Now it 'cannot find AlbumArt in scope' inside the PlayerView It seems like whatever struct I want to use from ContentView into the PlayerView, I get the 'cannot find in scope' so it seems to be a problem when using the structs inside the playerViews. ...