Updating older code & libraries to some of the new Swift 5.9 / iOS 17 changes. Running into a weird issue with Xcode 15. Whenever I try to add a local Swift package, Xcode immediately crashes with the following trace. Anyone else seeing something similar or have a workaround? --- Transl...
要将源代码文件添加到 Swift 软件包中,可以利用你已熟知的工作流程。例如,你可以将源代码文件拖入项目导航器来将其添加到软件包中,也可以使用“File”(文件) >“Add Files to[packageName]”(添加文件至 [packageName]) 菜单来添加。目标可以包含 Swift、Objective-C/C++ 或 C/C++ 代码,但一个目标中不能混合...
When I add or create files to my local swift packages, Xcode constantly crashes with the following: Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but the object was already deallocated. Typically the crash happens on saving the newly created file, and building. From the stack trace, it...
"Add Packages ..." -> "Add Local" and selected the root directory of TestPackage (containing the Package.swift) The Package now correctly appears in the "Packages" folder. Opening a random Swift file in said SpriteKit iOS app, I expect to be able to import TestPackage But it tells me...
Swift Package Manager →Read the instructions here. CocoaPods →Read the instructions here. Carthage →Read the instructions here. Manually →Read the instructions here. XcodeGen→Read the instructions here. Implementation Swift Just addNatrium.swift(from the designated location, see installation guide)...
If you would prefer not to use a package manager, you can build the command-line app manually:open SwiftFormat.xcodeproj and build the SwiftFormat (Application) scheme. Drag the swiftformat binary into /usr/local/bin/ (this is a hidden folder, but you can use the Finder's Go > Go ...
Select in this folder „EntitlementUITestUITests.swift“. There is a function testExample(). Add in this function the line let _ = CKContainer(identifier: "iCloud.com.yourid.EntitlementUITest") yourid is e.g. your company name. This is the statement that causes the run time error ...
2、当这个时候设置之后,兰debug 环境可以正常时候,切换到release 环境会继续崩溃,虽然报错是汇编代码,但是很明显是和之前的 不一样 需要处理:Build Settings ->Asset Catalog Compiler-> Generate Swift Asset Symbol Framework Support,把SwiftUI去掉,(OS 12 是还不支持 swiftUI 的,当时的U框架应该是UIKit 和story...
1.Project Settings contains information about dependencies.2.File->Swift Packages->Add Package ...
My project uses a local swift package of my own, which uses SwiftGenPlugin to generate image resources. I can archive the project locally, but Xcode Cloud doesn't work and reports an error: "SwiftGenPlugin" is disabled. Developer Tools & ServicesXcode CloudSwift PackagesSwiftXcode Cloud ...