main.swift calls the function NSApplicationMain(...). Don’t confuse this with the @NSApplicationMain annotation in Swift! The function NSApplicationMain(...) is the entry point for Cocoa applications. NSApplicationMain(...) never returns; instead, it sets up the UI event loop, which ...
Xcode 9与GitHub深度集成,提供了包括配置 SSH key、一键克隆等功能。 新的编译系统。新的编译器已经用Swift重写了,性能得到了很大的提升。其中,内部搜索功能官方号称提速50x. 新的编译系统默认是关闭的,如果我们想要体验的话,需要在File->Project Setting中选择。 优化Markdown。现在 Xcode 支持了 markdown 的高亮语...
So, here we are, ready to highlight some of the new Xcode 12 features, as well as of Swift 5.3. What is covered in the parts to come is just a subset of what really exists, and I tried to pick topics as general as possible so the majority of developers are interested in them. I...
Break into the RealityKit debugger Demystify explicitly built modules Go further with Swift Testing Meet Swift Testing Migrate your app to Swift 6 Run, Break, Inspect: Explore effective debugging in LLDB Developer FooterApple Developer Videos WWDC24 What’s new in Xcode 16...
Swift, SwiftUI, the Swift logo, Swift Playgrounds, Xcode, Instruments, Cocoa Touch, Touch ID, AirDrop, iBeacon, iPhone, iPad, Safari, App Store, watchOS, tvOS, Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Pulp Fiction is copyright © 1994 ...
This syntax is confusing for beginners, so it is designed to standardize the label behaviour. In Swift 3, you call the function like this:gcd(a: 8, b: 12) 1 gcd(a: 8, b: 12) You have to explicitly specify the label of the first parameter. If you don’t do that, Xcode 8 ...
Earlier this week, we discovered that AnyObject is a protocol defined in the Swift standard library. In today's installment of "What The Swift", I want to show you what Any is. To discover the meaning of Any, we need to revisit the Swift standard library
Finally, the view hierarchy is presently not visible in Xcode Previews when using SwiftUI. This can make it harder to identify and fix underlying causes of UI and behavior problems in your app. UI testing in Swift Your app’s UI should function as expected, and UI testing will help you id...
So, the overall change is a welcome one: fewer errors for the most common work. However, it will create a little churn in the short term as you spin work off to other actors manually. On to the new APIs… We got another batch of major improvements this year, delivering more scrollview...
若要开启该功能,需要打开 Xcode → Settings → Text Editing → Editing,勾选 Predictive code completion,之后 Xcode 会下载基于最新代码训练的模型,目前模型大小约 2GB 左右,从描述上看,只能为 Swift 代码提供预测式补全的能力。 目前(Xcode 16 beta 2) 需要使用拥有 16GB 或以上运行内存的 Apple Silicon 的 ...