微软推出Xbox Series S烤面包机,还可以烙上Xbox球形标志 两年多以前,微软兑现了粉丝应援活动中的承诺,推出了Xbox Mini Fridge这款“世界上最强大的迷你冰箱”。其有着与Xbox Series X一样的黑色涂装,打开后会闪着绿光,可以容纳大概10-12罐330毫升的汽水。这次微软又盯上了自家另一款游戏主机Xbox Series S,推...
The company said it will start selling the Xbox Mini Fridge this holiday season, though it held back from revealing the price tag. From meme to actual product The Xbox Series X-inspired fridge started life as a popular meme that appeared soon after the machine was unveiled in 2019 when fans...
Xbox Series X可让玩家在多个游戏之间即时切换 昨日,微软终于正式公布了 Project Scarlett 新主机的名称 —— Xbox Series X 。作为 Xbox One 的继任者,其承诺带来四倍的处理性能、支持光线追踪、以及 120 fps 的游戏帧率。在接受 Gamespot 采访时,Phil Spencer 进一步披露了新主机的更多细节。如大家所见,Xbox Ser...
Xbox Series X Replica Mini Fridge 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Xbox Series X Replica 迷你冰箱 99.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
XBOX SERIES X REPLICA MINI 8 CAN FRIDGE 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 XBOX SERIES X REPLICA 迷你冰箱 8罐容量 88.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
After a long night in an intense gaming session. Only a real drink will quench your tremendous gamer thirst. And what a better way to contain some game fuel than withthe official Xbox Series X Mini Fridge? No, seriously, its real. Xbox has fully embraced the internet memery and will be...
Microsoft will work to release the Xbox Series X Replica "Mini Fridge" in more countries in 2022. The outer dimensions for the mini fridge are 462mm H x 232mm W x 232mm D or 18” H x 9” W x 9” D. The internal dimensions are 352.3mm H x 174mm W x 175mm D or 13.8” H...
The new mini-fridge in the design of the Xbox Series X, which Microsoft recently launched on the market, is enjoying great interest. Because the device was practically sold out within minutes, profit-hungry “scalpers” are offering the Xbox Mini Fridge at a multiple of the price. The Xbox...
Today we have an amazing replica of Xbox Series X that doubles as a mini fridge. Better yet, it’s available at a massive discount. This Xbox Series X hides a mini fridge inside If you’re looking for gaming accessories, then look no further than this Xbox Series X mini fridge. Accordi...
- --it's a pretty good replica of Ryan Reynolds' butt. Just throwing it out there. - Yeah, well, this may be the closest any of us gets to Ryan Reynolds' butt. We don't get to keep it because this will be given away. There's actually a custom sweepstakes, a global sweepstakes...