Xbox Series X Replica Mini Fridge 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Xbox Series X Replica 迷你冰箱 99.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
微软首次公布次世代主机Xbox Series X后,有网友调侃它长得像冰箱。临近XSX/S主机发售(11月10日),Xbox团队也玩起了冰箱梗,真造出了XSX冰箱。 今日(10月29日)Xbox官方公布了Xbox Series X冰箱宣传片,并宣布将赠送XSX主题冰箱。宣传片赏: 对这活动感兴趣的玩家,记得关注Xbox官方推特账号,并转推“#XSXFridgeSweeps...
XBOX SERIES X REPLICA MINI 8 CAN FRIDGE 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 XBOX SERIES X REPLICA 迷你冰箱 8罐容量 88.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
微软推出Xbox Series S烤面包机,还可以烙上Xbox球形标志 两年多以前,微软兑现了粉丝应援活动中的承诺,推出了Xbox Mini Fridge这款“世界上最强大的迷你冰箱”。其有着与Xbox Series X一样的黑色涂装,打开后会闪着绿光,可以容纳大概10-12罐330毫升的汽水。这次微软又盯上了自家另一款游戏主机Xbox Series S,推... Introducing the new Xbox Series X Fridge. Power Your Dreams Memes. Subscribe to Xbox 🎮 FOLLOW XBOX: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: https://www.instagram...
This won’t be the first time that Microsoft has built a refrigerator. In fact, it’s already created a fridge based on the design of the Xbox Series X, though that particular product was full size. Microsoft didn’t commercialize it, but instead delivered one to Snoop Dogg on his birthd...
Microsoft will work to release the Xbox Series X Replica "Mini Fridge" in more countries in 2022. The outer dimensions for the mini fridge are 462mm H x 232mm W x 232mm D or 18” H x 9” W x 9” D. The internal dimensions are 352.3mm H x 174mm W x 175mm D or 13.8” H...
Today we have an amazing replica of Xbox Series X that doubles as a mini fridge. Better yet, it’s available at a massive discount. This Xbox Series X hides a mini fridge inside If you’re looking for gaming accessories, then look no further than this Xbox Series X mini fridge. Accordi...
Based on the imagery shown in the trailer, the fridge appears to beable to hold a total of 13 standard 12 fl oz cans.This is four on each main shelf, two in the top shelf, and about three on the door shelf. This idea firstbegan as an internet meme.When the Xbox Series X was fir...
The new mini-fridge in the design of the Xbox Series X, which Microsoft recently launched on the market, is enjoying great interest. Because the device was practically sold out within minutes, profit-hungry “scalpers” are offering the Xbox Mini Fridge at a multiple of the price. The Xbox...