无论是通过 Xbox 主机设备或还是仅通过计算机提供,这些数字游戏购买退款条款涵盖 Microsoft Store 的数字游戏优惠、Xbox 应用(不含电影和电视应用)、数字游戏捆绑优惠以及数字耐用和消费性游戏优惠,例如游戏季票、虚拟货币和微交易等(总称“数字游戏产品”)。 有关数字游戏订阅、数字赠品、数字游戏预购和所有其他数字游戏优...
這些數位遊戲購買的退款條款涵蓋 Microsoft Store 的數位遊戲方案、Xbox 應用程式 (不含電影和電視應用程式)、數位化的遊戲搭售方案,以及數位耐久性和消耗性的遊戲方案, 無論是透過 Xbox 主機裝置或僅限於您的電腦提供 (統稱「數位遊戲產品」) 提供,例如遊戲季票、虛擬貨幣和微交易。 如需與數位遊戲訂閱、數位贈禮、...
You can receive a refund within 30 days of your initial purchase or before your first recurring billing date (whichever is sooner) by cancelling your subscription in the steps that are outlined in the section “Cancelling a subscription”. In addition, you're entitled to a refund of y...
After this time, you may be billed, and you’ll need to request a refund to cancel your order. For more info about digital game pre-orders, see: Pre-order Xbox digital games in the Microsoft Store Visit the links below to find out about refunds for other types of products: ...
我之前退款,如果按照微软教你的办法,要进帐户-点账单,然后在账单里面查有没有符合退款条件的订单,下面会有一个“退款”选项,但要真按这个操作来,反正我是没找到,去搜索“xbox refund game”,然后进第一个英文的Xbox support 页面的网站,然后点进去登录就会显示15天内购买的可退款游戏了,点完会有外国客服发邮件...
Get details on the terms and conditions for refunds of digital game purchases on Xbox and the Microsoft Store.
不用慌,这个文档将教你怎么操作完成退款。 1. 首先在Xbox官网登录你的帐号,如下图就是账户已登录的状态; 登录到Xbox官网 2. 然后在搜索引擎搜索xbox game refund,如下图,可参照如下搜索结果点击链接进入 搜索xbox games refund 3. 点击进来后请对照下图标注的服务目录 找到订阅&账单记录 往下拖动页面,能看到你...
若要申请退款,需要登录用于购买的 Microsoft 帐户,并提供所购买内容的名称、订单编号以及需要退款的原因。 可以联系 aka.ms/contactxboxsupport 以获取退款申请和其他支持。 有关Xbox 实物产品(如光盘游戏和控制器)和其他 Microsoft 产品的详细信息,请参阅: ...
Note that this is an option for reporting added context about Xbox Insider issues that may be difficult to record through other reporting or feedback tools. General Xbox issues or questions are not addressed here and should be directed to Xbox Support. ...
AMD support site If the game still won’t run correctly on your device and you purchased it in the Microsoft Store, check the Digital Game Purchase Refund Terms to see if it’s eligible for a refund. If so, follow the Refund Request Process on that page. Digital Game Purchase Refund Ter...