2. 然后在搜索引擎搜索xbox game refund,如下图,可参照如下搜索结果点击链接进入 搜索xbox games refund 3. 点击进来后请对照下图标注的服务目录 找到订阅&账单记录 往下拖动页面,能看到你的购买记录,勾选复选框后点击 Request a refund,接下来会让你选择退款理由,请依据自己的情况进行选择,选择完毕后就会发起退款...
p.s. 有些情况下游戏不会出现在这个列表中, 这时候你需要拉到网页最下面, 选择submit a refund request, 手动填写表单来退款, 或者就是找客服呗. 前者同样简单, 就是耗时稍长, 可能得一个工作日; 后者倒是很快但是要看你工地英语的水平, 因为一般只有英文客服的权限比较高.p.s. 据说微软具有一年一次的数字...
For those moments when a game or game purchase doesn't pan out, or a subscription is no longer necessary, Xbox may let you request a refund or cancelation. Here's what you need to know ...
After this time, you may be billed, and you’ll need to request a refund to cancel your order. For more info about digital game pre-orders, see: Pre-order Xbox digital games in the Microsoft Store Visit the links below to find out about refunds for other types of products: ...
8.进入连接后拉至下方点击request a refund(请求退款) 我这边已经处理完成了,所以显示为灰色 随后填写一个表。 表中前两个退款选项选择关于Xbox游戏退款的即可(如果看不懂可以用手机拍照翻译漫漫看不用急)(我这边由于填写的时候忘记截图了放不出图片了) ...
请问各位大神Xbox..打开Xbox官网 点击右上方头像 下方有个order history 点击进入 选择你要退款的游戏 退款英文refund 按照表格的选项来 内容填写 I’d like to claim a refun
申请机制如下,通过account.microsoft.com微软账户系统输入你的账户,选择支付与结帐(payment billing)选项,选择其中你认为徐退款的商品,点击申请退款(request a refund)。不过这项退款机制还未正式上架,预计近期微软更新Xbox与Windows系统加入这项机制。 另外,DLC,季票这些游戏附加内容不支持退款机制。此外,申请退款之前,游戏...
Though Xbox has a very stern Refund Policy, it sure is handy in case of accidental purchases. You will always receive a confirmation mail after making a refund request. Microsoft Customer care then reviews your case and confirms within 72 hours whether you can refund your item. If you aren’...
To request a refund for a digital product purchased from Xbox, sign in to your Microsoft account and go to the order history page. Select the item you want to return and provide a reason for the return. Review the details and submit the request. The refu
So I didn't use the game software and requested a refund as soon as possible. But my request was refused, so I sent this papers to explain the special situation to you and hope to get your support. Thanks for your help。退款的原因也有可能是涉及到儿童,让他们破例,总之,我的退款得到了...