点击下载XBOX360 Controller Emulator v3.0 下面是我对赛钛客3200手柄在战争机器里的测试 1.使用XInputTest.exe,发现手柄右摇杆没有作用,其他都与360手柄相同,查注册表发现右摇杆是轴4和5,打开xbox360cemu.ini,将Right Analog X设为4,Right Analog Y设为5,重新测试,发现有右摇杆上下 ...
reason that Xenia cannot use the original Xbox 360 UI (XUI), since XUI functions are unimplemented and Xenia uses imgui instead to handle stuff like message boxes, errors, dialogs, text boxes, etc that would otherwise be using one of the many executables found in the system files. Then, ...
When you buy a digital copy of an Xbox game or an Xbox Live Arcade game, the purchase is tied to your Microsoft account through your Xbox network account. So if you're still using the same Xbox network account on your Xbox One that you used on your Xbox 360, you're good to go. H...
XBOX360ControllerEmulatorv3.0这款软件是从国外拖回来的,能够模 拟x360控制器,由于很多手柄是单电机,对于双电机的振动功能支持 不是很好 具体用法是: 1.使用其中的XInputTest.exe,先对你的手柄进行测试,看看他与360手 柄的区别,将区别的地方记下来,打开文件夹里的xbox360cemu.ini,修 改其中的数值,数值参照注册...
7.关闭x360ce应用程序,运行游戏。 要在游戏中使用多个控制器,您可能需要将它们组合在一起。尝试: 1.运行x360ce.exe 2.选择与其他控制器对应的[Controller#]选项卡页面。 3.打开[高级]标签页。 4.将“Combine Into”下拉列表值设置为:One。 5.选择[选项]选项卡页。 6.选中“启用组合”复选框。 (注意:如...
Name:(Default)Type:REG_SZ Data:(value not set)我的电脑是这样的(Windows 7 64bit EN)
“Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, steering wheel, pedals, etc.) to function on your PC as an Xbox 360 controller. It allows you to remap buttons and axes and to drive cars with steering wheel and pedals or to fly
Xbox 360 Controller Emulator • 2020-11-15 You can also find X360CE video tutorials on IMPORTANT Notes There is no need to placex360ce.exeinside the game folder. You can keepsinglecopy at one place on your PC. For example:C:\Program Files\x360ce\x360ce.exe ...
Microsoft has not had the success with the Xbox One, compared in relative terms at least, to the Xbox 360, and with this briefing being exclusively focused on gaming, and the introduction of a special controller for the enthusiast crowd, Microsoft is trying to win back some mindshare. Only ...
How to install Xbox 360 Controller Emulator Distinct program files are available for 32-bit and 64-bit, depending on your system’s architecture type. To find out which one you should download for Windows 10, go to Settings -> System -> About and take a look at the System type. ...