“Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, steering wheel, pedals, etc.) to function on your PC as an Xbox 360 controller. It allows you to remap buttons and axes and to drive cars with steering wheel and pedals or to fly
点击下载XBOX360 Controller Emulator v3.0 下面是我对赛钛客3200手柄在战争机器里的测试 1.使用XInputTest.exe,发现手柄右摇杆没有作用,其他都与360手柄相同,查注册表发现右摇杆是轴4和5,打开xbox360cemu.ini,将Right Analog X设为4,Right Analog Y设为5,重新测试,发现有右摇杆上下 ...
“Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, steering wheel, pedals, etc.) to function on your PC as an Xbox 360 controller. It allows you to remap buttons and axes and to drive cars with steering wheel and pedals or to fly planes with joystick and throttle ...
Play your favorite Xbox 360 games on your Windows-based PC now! The VR Xbox 360 PC emulator is the ultimate Xbox 360 emulation software. (Press the bottom right button to maximize the video) No more waiting for delayed or never released console ports of your favorite titles or badly made ...
XBOX360ControllerEmulatorv3.0这款软件是从国外拖回来的,能够模 拟x360控制器,由于很多手柄是单电机,对于双电机的振动功能支持 不是很好 具体用法是: 1.使用其中的XInputTest.exe,先对你的手柄进行测试,看看他与360手 柄的区别,将区别的地方记下来,打开文件夹里的xbox360cemu.ini,修 ...
没有对应的苹果版,点击下载的是:TocaEdit Xbox 360 Controller Emulator(Xbox 360控制器模拟器)v3.2.10.82 官方版介绍相关推荐 评论(0)手柄模拟器 Xbox 360 Controller Emulator(Xbox 360控制器模拟器)让任意品牌的手柄都能被游戏识别为xbox手柄,进行完整的适配运行,不用再担心热门大作、独立游戏无法使用手柄游玩的问...
XBOX 360 Controller emulator (libs) XBOX 360 Controller emulator is a wrapper library that translates the XInput calls to DirectInput calls, allowing support for non-XInput devices in some games. In CrossOver, XInput is not implemented so this can also help with real XBOX 360 controllers. ...
We created the emulator for the Xbox 360 console, which enabled the Xbox 360 console to play original Xbox games without modification. Xbox backwards compatibility was probably the hardest technical challenge of my career. It was certainly the hardest interview to date – two of the questions I...
"OEMName"="XBOX360 Controller Emulator"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_12BD&PID_C003]"OEMName"="XBOX360 Controller Emulator""OEMData"=hex:03,00,88,10,0c,00,00,00"ConfigCLSID"="{13BF4c24-12BD-C003-0506-0020AFD4291C}"[...
Emulator是一款设置非常便捷的Xbox360手柄模拟器,它支持全键位映射设置,还支持震动功能,并完美支持各类非360PC振动手柄!例如北通系列,有需要的可以下载来使用。【操作说明】运行软件后点击相应的键位设置即可 若无振动请确认手柄原官方驱动是否安装,游戏里振动设置是否ON!切记!先插上手柄再启动游戏!