找不到目标'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'的模块通常是因为Xcode项目配置不正确或者依赖库没有正确安装。以下是解决这个问题的步骤: 基础概念 Xcode: 是苹果官方的集成开发环境(IDE),用于iOS、macOS、watchOS和tvOS应用的开发。 模拟器: iOS模拟器是Xcode中的一个工具,它可以在Mac OS上模拟iOS设备的运行环...
b.eq 0x104016218 ;判断w0是否相等于1,是跳转执行相应命令adrp x0,1 add x0,x0,#0xf7d,否...
Xcode - 打开项目 - 选中项目的target - Build Settings - VALID_ARCHS -》Debug - 添加x86_64 i386 - armv7 armv7s arm64 x86_64 i386
针对你遇到的“could not find module 'rxswift' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你诊断并修复这个错误: 确认环境配置: 确保你的Xcode和Swift版本是最新的,或者至少是与RxSwift兼容的版本。 检查你正在使用的依赖管理工具(CocoaPods或Carthage)是否也是最新版本,或者至...
This addsx86_64-apple-iosrather thanaarch64-apple-ios-simto the default targets on iOS if UBRN itself was built for x86. Given that x86 Macs are slowly becoming extinct, I think, it may not be worth to include both targets by default because it'll result in a lot of pointless compila...
Could not find module 'RxSwift' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64, arm64-appl... M1芯片的MacPro,因为导入了ZFPlayer后编译报错 修改Excluded Architectures选项也有它的问题。字面意思是排除架构的意思,我们设置在模拟器中排除arm64就能解决模拟器无法编译arm64的问题。
To reproduce: git clone https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/packed_simd cd packed_simd # Get Rust target: rustup target add x86_64-apple-ios # Build cargo runner: export RUSTFLAGS='-C link-args=-mios-simulator-version-min=7.0' rustc ./c...
Both "ios-x86_64-simulator" and "ios-arm64-simulator" represent two equivalent library definitions. I found another thread where the accepted answer was to lipo the x86_64 and arm simulators together, then build the xcframework. I've seen posts from Apple engineers that say using lipo is no...
I have checked the below environment variables in both Xcode11 and Xcode12 while building the library for iOS Simulator and I found the arm_64 appended in all the environment variables in Xcode12. Xcode 11 Environment Variable values: Code Block export ARCHS="i386 x86_64" export ARCHS_...
这个的解决方案,直接Google,第一个stackoverflow的链接是Xcode 14 needs selected Development Team for ...