5、安装后启动项没有NVME,不能设置启动 好不容易安装完成了,会到BIOS设置,发现找不到相关的启动项。进到BIOS的高级设置,把两个PCIE相关的插座设置为EFI模式,然后F4重启,进BOOT菜单,就会发现列表有一个UEFI OS的选项,选他,就能进入启动了。 不幸的是,又花屏了,经过Google,正如怀疑的那样,ESXI对主板自带的AST2400...
BIOSAmerican Megatrends Inc. 2.0 Memory31.38 GB Integer Performance Single-core3843 Multi-core16478 AES Single-core5844 5.00 GB/sec AES Multi-core10326 8.84 GB/sec Twofish Single-core3259 182.9 MB/sec Twofish Multi-core18795 1.03 GB/sec ...
ESXi安装过程: 将iso 包写入 U 盘,接入到软路由,引导进入后按照安装菜单指引即可完成安装,详细的安装步骤偷懒就没做展示了,如果遇到安装程序花屏大概率是引导方式导致的,可以尝试到 BIOS 中将 U 盘启动改为传统模式。 应该是4代酷睿太老了,对UEFI支持不太好 提醒一下,ESXi 7.0 安装完后会占用 130G 磁盘,其罪...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x 求超微 X10SLH-N6-ST031主板原BIOS ...
X10SLH-LN6TF / X10SLH-N6-ST031 支持NVME的BIOS,版本为3.2日期是14/5/2018,我的板子拿到是3.2s,日期是14/9/2019的,但是也可以刷。这是国外网站上搬运过来的,亲测可用。操作的时候务必仔细,刷坏了板子概不负责。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
超微x10slh-n6-st031主板 -nvme补丁包 单曲**循环上传16MB文件格式7z x10slh-n6-st031 nvme bios 补丁包 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分
I used a bios on here that help facilitate unlocking the BIOS. With my Kill-a-Watt, It average 60watts. This fits fine in a Dell Vostro 200 case. You just have to modify the case by removing drive cages and modding the backplate area. CPU usage ...
Bjorn Smith was telling on another thread, we can get a tool from supermicro to reset BMC and flash BIOS. I am not sure how complex this work is. I wonder if this has been already discussed in STH forums. You would need a copy of the BIOS, which i...
安装ESXI之前,无奈之下直接F3恢复BIOS默认,选了没有选过的非UEFI U盘启动,然后就误打误撞能装了,这真都是命。 总结 到这里基本就能开始玩机了,还没有准备好怎么装,也许 truenas+openwrt 也是个轻量化不错的选择,毕竟需求也就是NAS和软路由,还想要个电视盒子的需求,貌似truenas能装个Plex之类的来进行,还有EMB...
This requires enabling Intel VT-d virtualization in the bios. I am also passing some of the 10Gb ethernet ports. However, out of the box all 6 ports were grouped into a single IOMMU group, meaning that you can either pass all ports or none at all...