X10SLH-LN6TF / X10SLH-N6-ST031 支持NVME的BIOS,版本为3.2日期是14/5/2018,我的板子拿到是3.2s,日期是14/9/2019的,但是也可以刷。这是国外网站上搬运过来的,亲测可用。操作的时候务必仔细,刷坏了板子概不负责。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
记录如何将一个想法变为现实:超微 X10SLH-N6-ST031 X10SLH-LN6TF 自制6口10G+4口2.5G 软路由前期的数据收集,选型,采购,测绘,设计,建模,,,没有功夫记录了,后期修改BIOS,添加NVME模块,配置相关的,关于这块主板,也有好多坑,整理下再记录吧。需要含有NVME模块的BIOS可以私我,是主板自带的3.2S 提取后自己修改的...
I've read through each page but haven't seen anyone with a BIOS version that works with the E3 1200v4 series like the E3 1265L v4 or E3 1285L v4. I wonder if anyone here has succeeded in running the E3 12xx v4 CPU? Thank you. pretty sure every...
There should also be a jumper to reset the BIOS (check the manual). After resetting the bios, VGA output should be working. If not, it could be a faulty board. See if you can get some beeps out of it. Remove the RAM, or CPU, and try to boot...
This requires enabling Intel VT-d virtualization in the bios. I am also passing some of the 10Gb ethernet ports. However, out of the box all 6 ports were grouped into a single IOMMU group, meaning that you can either pass all ports or none at all to...
It might be possible to save a copy of the existing bios (should hopefully be without any configuration in it) - and then just reflash the same bios again to overwrite all configuration data. This tool might be able to do it: Supermicro Update Manager (SUM) |...