X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA), is an analytical technique that depends upon the measurement of the energies of photoelectrons that are emitted from atoms when they are irradiated by soft X-ray photons (1 – 2 keV). When used to study solids, XPS analysis has a number of...
A review of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of oxide solid solutions is presented, aimed at the study of surface composition. The systems NiO-MgO, CoO-MgO, ZnO-MgO are discussed. It is shown that a small depletion of Ni and Co is present, whilst Zn is enriched. The...
photoelectron spectroscopy analysis 光电子能谱分析photoeleetron speetros。opyanalysis用单色光照射试样表面发射光电子,根据光电子谱进行物理化学分析的方法。简称PES。最常用的单色光源是软X射线和紫外光,相应的分别称为X射线光电谱(简称XPS)和紫外光电子谱(简称UPS)。 原理当一束一定能量的单色辐射照射金属表面时,...
表面分析技术(SurfaceAnalysis)是对材料外层(theOuter-MostLayersofMaterials(<100))的研究的技术。包括:1电子谱学(ElectronSpectroscopies)X-射线光电子能谱XPS:X-rayPhotoelectronSpectroscopy俄歇能谱AES:AugerElectronSpectroscopy电子能量损失谱EELS:ElectronEnergyLossSpectroscopy 2离子谱学IonSpectroscopies ...
X-rayPhotoelectronSpectroscopy Qing-YuZhang StateKeyLaboratoryforMaterialsModificationbyLaser,IonandElectronBeams XPS引言 ➢X射线光电子谱是重要的表面分析技术之一。它不仅能探测表面的化学组成,而且可以确定各元素的化学状态,因此,在化学、材料科学及表面科学中得以广泛地应用。➢X射线光电子能谱是瑞典Uppsala大学...
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of atomic elements A key feature of the Thermo Scientific Avantage Data System for XPS is an extensive knowledge base of information regarding XPS analysis and the elements they characterize. Table of Elements
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is generally regarded as an important and key technique for the surface characterization and analysis of biomedical polymers. (1) This technique, also called ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis), provides a total elemental analysis, except for ...
第五章 X-射线光电子能谱(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) ESCA) 一 概述 表面分析技术 (Surface Analysis)是对材料外层(the Outer-Most Layers of Materials (100 ?))的研究的技术。包括: 1 电子谱学(Electron Spectroscopies) X-射线光电子能谱 XPS: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 俄歇能谱 AES:...
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis of Silicon Oxide Deposited by a Nitrous Oxide/Silane Glow Discharge 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者:Thomas, J. H.,Kaganowicz, G.摘要: Thin layers (100Å) of SiO were deposited at room temperature in a RF glow discharge in a nitrous oxige ...
XPS analysis X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is a highly surface-sensitive, quantitative, chemical analysis technique that can be used to solve a wide range of materials problems. XPS is the measurement of photoelectrons ...