What percent of 3 translates to:()A. x(100)*3B. ((100) )*3C. ((100) ) divided by 3D.
一道英文数学题我有一道英文的数学题,When “ x ”is divided by 3 ,the remainder is “z”.In terms of “z”,which of the following could be equal to “x”A.z-3 B.3-z C.3z D.6+z E.9+2z
如果不确定那么余数可能是0或1,与1就无法比较. x+5 除3余2,也就是x+5-2除3余0,也就是x+3能被3整除,也就是x能被3整除. 所以已知是x能被3整除,而不知能否被2整除.所以除2的余数小于或等于1,无法比较大小. 分析总结。 x5除3余2也就是x52除3余0也就是x3能被3整除也就是x能被3整除结果...
power 幂,乘方 average/mean 平均数 median 中位数 加减乘除 2 plus 1 equals 3 二加一等于三 4 minus 2 equals 2 四减二等于二 4 multiplied by 5 = 4 times 5 四乘以五 9 divided by 3 equals 3 = 3 goes into 9 3 times. 10 divided by 4 gives you 2 with a remainder of 2 2 remainder...
If x is divided by 7,the remainder is 1. Ify is divided by 7, the remainder is 2.What is the remainder if x + y is divided by 7?___ 显示答案 登录后才可以添加做题笔记哦,还没有账号? 马上注册 KMF 解析 网友解析 题目数据 收起 暂无解析 以上解析由 考满分老师提供。 题目讨论 已经...
1)x=13,所以x/5=2.6>2 2)两个researcher 单独完成项目用时分别是20,15小时,所以大于7
An experimental study of male and female CBA/Cne mice was set up at Casaccia primarily to investigate the influence of sex on long-term survival and tumor induction after exposure to high- and low-LET radiation. Mice were whole-body-irradiated at 3 months of age with fission-neutron doses ...
When x is divided by 3, the remainder is 1. When x is divided by 7, the remainder is 2. How many positive integers less than 100 could be values for x?___ 显示答案 登录后才可以添加做题笔记哦,还没有账号? 马上注册 KMF 解析 网友解析 题目数据 收起 暂无解析 以上解析由 考满分老师提...
1What is the tens digit of positive integer x ?() (1)x divided by 100 has a remainder of 30. (2)x divided by 110 has a remainder of 30. A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分. B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分. C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分. D.条...