x ray telescope x 射线望远镜 x ray term x 射线能级 x ray topography x 射线形貌学 x ray tube x 射线管 x rays x 射线 x unit x 单位 x y recorder x y 记录仪 xenon 氙 xenon lamp 氙灯 xi particle 粒子 y axe y轴 y ba cu o compound 钇钡铜氧 化合物 y cut y 切割 yag laser 掺钕...
x ray telescope x 射线望远镜x ray term x 射线能级x ray topography x 射线形貌学x ray tube x 射线管x rays x 射线x unit x 单位x y recorder x y 记录仪xenon 氙xenon lamp 氙灯xi particle 粒子y axe y轴y ba cu o compound 钇钡铜氧 化合物y cut y 切割yag laser 掺钕钇铝石榴石激光器...
We have searched for optical identifications for 79 Chandra X-ray sources that lie within the half-mass radius of the nearby, core-collapsed globular cluster NGC6397, using deep Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys Wide Field Channel imaging in Hα, R , and B . Photometry of th...
Deep near-infrared imaging of RDCS J1252.9-2927 at z=1.237: The colour-magnitude diagram We present deep SofI and ISAAC near-infrared imaging data of the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster . The ISAAC data were taken at the ESO Very Large Telescope ... C Lidman,P Rosati,R Demarco,... - ...
EP卫星搭载的深度后随X射线望远镜(Follow-up X-ray Telescope,FXT)和eXTP卫星搭载的能谱测量X射线聚焦望远镜阵列(Spectroscopy Focusing Array,SFA)分别使用了pnCCD和SDD探测器。pnCCD和SDD前期电子学联调和标定在中国科学院高能物理研究所标定大厅进行,所用的X射线靶源是标定装置的重要部件。本文介绍了一种X射线...
The X-ray source density predictions are based on the Gilli et al. (2007) model for AGNs withNH=1020−1024cm−2; seehttp://www.bo.astro.it/~gilli/counts.html. For further details ofJWST; seehttp://www.jwst.nasa.gov. For further details of the ELTs; seehttp://www.eso.org/...
We report on the X-ray spectral behavior within the steady states of GRS1915+105. Our work is based on the full data set of the source obtained using the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and 15 GHz radio data obtained using the Ryle Telescope....
Insight-HXMT consists of three groups of instruments: High-Energy X-ray Telescope (HE, 20–250 keV), Medium Energy X-ray Telescope (ME, 5–30 keV), and Low Energy X-ray Telescope (LE, 1-15 keV). HE contains 18 cylindrical NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) phoswich detectors with a total detectio...
FIGURE 1. Focusing geometry of a Wolter type I grazing incidence X-ray telescope constructed by a paraboloid followed by a hyperboloid cylindrical mirror. In X-ray telescopes a number (2, 4, or hundreds) of such shells are “nested,” or placed one inside the other, to improve the X-ray...
In this paper, we report on a series of radio and X-ray observations of the recurrent black hole GX 339−4 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Swift satellites. With our new long-term campaign, we now have a total of 88 quasi-...