X-ray interferometric telescopesAn X-ray telescope is an optic that is used to focus and image x-rays in the manner of a conventional telescope for visible light astronomy. X-ray telescopes are exclusively the domain of X-ray astronomy, the discipline that studies high energy emissions from ...
The development of hard X-ray focusing optics for astrophysical observation is widely recognized as one of key technologies for future X-ray satellite missions. Utilizing InFOCμS balloon-borne experiment, we have developed thin-foil-nested hard X-ray telescope employing depth-graded Pt/C multilayer...
The Einstein Probe X-ray astronomical satellite transmitted X-ray images of the moon back to Earth on Tuesday, which was Mid-Autumn Festival. This marks the first time that Chinese scientists have obtained a complete X-ray image of the moon using a self-developed space telescope. X-ray fluor...
The charge coupled devices (CCDs) developed for the Joint European X-ray Telescope (JET-X) are described in detail. A history of the development program and device performance is given. We present results from a comprehensive study to characterize the x-ray response of the flight model focal...
新X射线望远镜(New X-ray Telescope,亦称Hitomi或“眼睛”)是日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)共同开展的一项X射线天文学合作项目。Astro-H是JAXA研发的第六个X射线天文台,同时也是NASA参与的第四个此类项目。Astro-H旨在探索黑洞和超新星爆炸周围充满高能现象的极端宇宙,并将观测充满高温等...
A hard-x-ray telescope is successfully produced for balloon observations by making use of depth-graded multilayers, or so-called supermirrors, with platinum-carbon (Pt/C) layer pairs. It consists of four quadrant units assembled in an optical configuration with a diameter of 40 cm and a focal...
Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was observed by the Swift X-Ray Telescope (XRT) for a total of 250,024 s. Soft X-ray emission, 0.2-1.0 keV, was seen as a diffuse extended halo with an FWHM of 1.03×10km centered on the comet's nucleus. The X-ray light curve indicates that the comet exhibited...
Tests of lobster-eye optics for a small x-ray telescope 2009, Baltic Astronomy Tests of imaging with lobster-eye x-ray optics and medipix2 detector 2009, Baltic Astronomy View all citing articles on Scopus⁎ We acknowledge the support provided by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, grant...
This marks the first time that Chinese scientists have obtained a complete X-ray image of the moon using a self-developed space telescope. X-ray fluorescence radiation generated by lunar elements excited by X-rays from the Sun can reveal the distribution of various elements on the lunar surface...
The papers are devoted primarily to the interpretation and reduction of X-ray photographs of the solar corona obtained during the Skylab S-054 X-ray telescope experiment. Topics include a description of the S-054 experiment, models of the intensity distribution in a coronal active region, the ev...