An introduction to X-Ray Optics. Polycapillary Optics. Fredenberg, Erik; Cederström, Björn; Åslund, Magnus; Nillius, Peter; Danielsson, Mats (27 January 2009). "An efficient pre-object collimator based on an x-ray lens". Medical Physics. 36 (2): 626–633. arXiv:2101.07788. Bibc...
该方案主要通过将将凹面和凸面X射线镜与抑制像差和高角度公差相结合,实现获得了超高强度的X射线,该X射线还可引起铬的强烈电离进而产生固体密度重的裸原子核。研究结果为原子、分子、光学物理等领域的研究奠定了基础,并以“Extreme focusing of hard X-ray free-electron laser pulses enables 7 nm focus width and...
上海科技大学大科学中心拟于2024年4月19日至21日举办“X射线自由电子激光与原子分子光物理国际会议(The 2024 International Workshop on AMO Science @ X-ray Free Electron Laser)”。本次会议是MPS2024国际会议(The 2024 International Conferen...
X-rays were first discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German physics professor. Roentgen also studied X-rays and their ability to pass through human tissues to produce images of the bones and metals visible on developed film. To obtain an X-ray image of a part of the body, a patient...
研究成果以“Interfacial failure behavior of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) at high temperatures: an in-situ indentation study based on X-ray imaging”为题发表于固体力学领域顶级期刊《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》(。
Photon, electron, and particle excitations are investigated in a section on x-ray intensities. The appendices to this chapter contain such constants as critical absorption wavelengths and energies, characteristic x-ray wavelengths and energies, energies of principal emission lines, and radiative ...
cryo-emcomputed-tomographyx-ray-imagingphase-contrast-imagingtransmission-electron-microscopyelectron-tomography UpdatedMar 30, 2023 C++ CMInject: A framework for particle injection trajectory simulations moleculeodephysics-simulationcmix-ray-imagingnanoparticlexfel-spicfel ...
ResearchOpen Access22 Jan 2025Communications Physics Volume: 8, P: 34 Non-linear enhancement of ultrafast X-ray diffraction through transient resonances Diffraction-before-destruction of ultrashort X-ray pulses can visualize non-equilibrium processes at the nanoscale with sub-femtosecond precision. Here,...
Larch: Data Analysis Tools for X-ray Spectroscopy and More Documentation: Code: Larch is an open-source library and set of applications for processing and analyzing X-ray absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy data and X-ray ...
Soft X-ray spectroscopy (<1 keV), transitions from and to the 2p shell (L-edge) of transition metals to the valence orbitals, is used to probe the charge and spin distribution and the degree of covalency of bonds, all of which are critical properties for transition-metal-based catalysis...