通过X射线光电子谱(X-ray photoemission spectroscopy,XPS)和XAS等方法可以直观地获取这些信息。同时,利用共振非弹性散射(resonant inelastic X-ray scattering,RIXS),也可以方便地利用材料在光吸收和光发射过程满足的选择定则和能量与动量守恒,精准地获得不同激发模式的色散关系,这对于轨道复杂的...
An introduction to X-Ray Optics. Polycapillary Optics. Fredenberg, Erik; Cederström, Björn; Åslund, Magnus; Nillius, Peter; Danielsson, Mats (27 January 2009). "An efficient pre-object collimator based on an x-ray lens". Medical Physics. 36 (2): 626–633. arXiv:2101.07788. Bibc...
这项技术有望推动无损检测技术的发展,相关研究成果已发表在近期的Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment上。 X-ray如何做到检测“无损”? X射线是看不见的东西,但可以通过物体的射线。具有一定的穿透性,能准确检测产品内部的缺...
S.; He, L.; Ke, Y.; Lan, S.; Choy, K.-L.; Zeng, H., Shining Emitter in a Stable Host: Design of Halide Perovskite Scintillators for X-ray Imaging from Commercial Concept. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (5), 5183-...
研究成果以“Interfacial failure behavior of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) at high temperatures: an in-situ indentation study based on X-ray imaging”为题发表于固体力学领域顶级期刊《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105647)。
近日,美国普渡大学的研究人员在Nature Physics期刊发表了题为“Superradiant and subradiant states in lifetime-limited organic molecules through laser-induced tuning”的研究成果。二苯并三联苯(DBT)分子是一种嵌入蒽晶体中的缺陷,通过采用泵浦光重新分配蒽晶体中的电荷,能够显著增加形成共振分子的可能性;此外,通过将...
Photon, electron, and particle excitations are investigated in a section on x-ray intensities. The appendices to this chapter contain such constants as critical absorption wavelengths and energies, characteristic x-ray wavelengths and energies, energies of principal emission lines, and radiative ...
Then to understand the basic concept of X-ray radiation, we again require the knowledgeof physics to know how electrons are accelerated between electrodes which are placed in a vacuum in an X-ray tube. And how these accelerated electrons finally produce radiation in the form of X-rays. Anothe...
Fig. 3: Nanoscale X-ray spectroscopy of transient phases. a, Frequency integrated hyperspectral CDI image at 20 ps pump–probe delay, showing clear topography but no signs of domains. b, Masks dividing the sample into regions that started in the R phase (red) and thus have not switched ...
And so our story begins with the discovery of X-rays in a university town called Würzburg, in Germany. X射线的发现 Discovery of X-ray 那是1895年,威廉·伦琴正在实验室里工作。像他那一代的许多物理学家一样,他正在做阴极射线的实验:在一个叫做克鲁克司管的设备中产生的电子流。但与他同时代的人...