我的显卡支持vulkan 并且我根本进不去游戏 下面是报错:X-System MessgaeX-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan and cant run.Your graphics card cannot run X-Plane,because it doesntsupport one or more required features.shaderOutputLayershaderOutputViewportIndexSee the Log.txt file for detailed error informat...
Explains how to resolve an issue in which an error message will come up when trying to run the game. Description When trying to open X-plane 12* the following error will come up and the game does not run and returns the following: X-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan and can't run....
I have an A770 16gb and can't launch X-plane 12 due to 'X-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan' error. Xp11 launches ok as does MSFS. I raised a support ticket with X-plane and had 2 responses saying I needed a dedicated graphics card with sufficient vram (at least have the courtesy...
Not all add-ons are compatible with Vulkan and Metal. In particular, when Vulkan and Metal are enabled, 3-d drawing callbacks and map drawing callbacks are not sent to plugins. If an add-on appears to not work correctly, you can disable Vulkan and Metal and restart X-Plane....
101.5522; I was able to install X-Plane 12 on my laptop (an 11th gen CPU/iGPU laptop) but was unable to run it due to the same error (I ensured that I was using the 12.1.0 beta for X-Plane). My desktop with a 12th gen CPU and arc A75...
xplane12 w..Zibo737 专家系列 第6集:https://b23.tv/sPmCWmq先删掉xplane文件目录下的Output/shadercache用Mac的同学可以散了
X-Plane 11..首先,X-Plane 11不支持SLI,所以双路泰坦就不要痴心妄想了。7700k+1080Ti (1080p以上分辨率) 也别想稳定60帧。先解释一下为什么:这个游戏针对的是3个平台: Mac+PC+
违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 xplane12吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组 贴吧吧主... 1-23 0 XP12zibo738问题 久门长生 XP12zibo738冬天为什么风挡玻璃不会结冰?零下15度也不会像XP...