我的显卡支持vulkan 并且我根本进不去游戏 下面是报错:X-System MessgaeX-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan and cant run.Your graphics card cannot run X-Plane,because it doesntsupport one or more required features.shaderOutputLayershaderOutputViewportIndexSee the Log.txt file for detailed error informat...
I have an A770 16gb and can't launch X-plane 12 due to 'X-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan' error. Xp11 launches ok as does MSFS. I raised a support ticket with X-plane and had 2 responses saying I needed a dedicated graphics card with sufficient vram (at least have the courtesy...
X-Plane failed to initialize Vulkan and can't run. Your graphics card or drivers cannot run X-Plane, because they don't support one or more required features. Please try Updating your graphics drivers. shaderStorageImageMultisample Resolution This has been fixed in the X-Plane 12 Beta versi...
xplane12 w..Zibo737 专家系列 第6集:https://b23.tv/sPmCWmq先删掉xplane文件目录下的Output/shadercache用Mac的同学可以散了
101.5186, the initial version that was reported to be "fixed" with no luck. 101.5522; I was able to install X-Plane 12 on my laptop (an 11th gen CPU/iGPU laptop) but was unable to run it due to the same error (I ensured that I was using the 12.1.0 beta for X-Plane)....
本吧热帖: 1-XP12 默认A330MCDU冷仓黑屏 2-求助!仪表及字体模糊 3-xplane12的优化问题 4-咋办啊呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 xplane12进不去 5-toliss346驾驶舱字体模糊 6-欢迎各位加入! 7-全新飞行宝骗子语录 8-兄弟们,有没有谁懂,求助? 9-求助大佬,太折磨人了。 10-义父们这个怎
无法启动xplane12 只看楼主收藏回复 限定小双 菜鸟飞友 1 有大神知道这是怎么个事儿呢 真的很想玩 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-05-30 11:06回复 LichWilliam F2副驾驶 4 显卡是不是支持vulkan,XP12要求显卡必须支持vulkan 来自Android客户端2楼2024-05-31 13:41 收起回复 wuzi...
学生做实验,模拟机飞不了,打算用xplane12平替一下 Vmca影响因素有重心位置、重量、密度高度、构型、螺旋桨风转、侧滑等 目前变量拉到极限,Vmca飞出来的却有一点点变化,但不确定是不是实验误差。 有没有大神知道机模制作的原理,Vmca会不会是程序中给出的定值?还是会一定程度地模拟各变量对其影响? 使用机模:Aero...
本吧热帖: 1-xplane12吧吧主招募结果公示 2-[公告]关于撤销 q???p 吧主管理权限的说明 3-A320冷启动 4-A330自动驾驶无缘无故的断开 5-机模插件显示不出来 6-xplane12吧吧主竞选:NO.0001号候选人 7-希望有长期活跃之人
Prepar3d v..p3d再怎么优化,也摆脱不了地景没干货的槽点,自动生成景物开多了还卡机X-Plane11 is more powerful!!X-Plane11继续拯救模拟飞行画质观永远的2925+xp11专属航天飞机3nm进近降落。(2925的CVR听着还是很揪心的,感谢sino论坛出品的漂亮涂装)