Soviet Union (1920) Light Tank – 15 Built On March 19, 1919, the young Soviet state acquired its first FT tanks. This acquisition followed the victory of General Grigoriyev Nikifor’s 2nd Ukrainian Soviet Army over the Interventionist White Forces in a battle near the German colony of ...
During WW2 about 17 million US Soldiers have been fighting on all frontlines. Today – 2015 – are about 1 million of them still alive. Each day are about 800 of them passing away. – And with them the witnesses of WW2. Each of them with his personal story on what happened in those ...
I used it in 'Nam with what was described by some of the survivors as "devastating" results. And my boss scolded me for leaving some of them alive. Can't please everybody. OpanaPointer, Dec 8, 2024 #12 JohnG505 likes this. ...
So for Erich Holm, the entire Holocaust should just be something the Jews should get over and move on, notwithstanding the fact it’s still in living memory of many Nazi Holocaust survivors in 1987, including many in South Africa Holm bitterly recalled that the imprisonment of Hess was because...
had been worked to death,the survivors and ghetto leaders themselves were transported to extermination camps and the ghetto destroyed.Similar the Ukrainians,as Slavs, regarded as the untermenchen were enticed into Third Reich service with a promise of independence when the Russians had been defeated...
Ironically,Germans and Boers, supposedly the vanquished ones of history, down in South Africa, will be the only major white survivorsof this utterly useless, pointless world war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet. ...
Black, whose parents are both Holocaust survivors, has investigated IBM and its role in the Holocaust since he laid eyes on a Dehomag machine while visiting a Holocaust museum in 1993. To this day, he is a strong critic of IBM’s involvement in the Holocaust. And in 2012, he issued a...
The third ship to be lost was the HMSAS Parktown’s sister ship, the HMSAS Bever which went down later in the war during the liberation of Greece when it struck a mine, and carries with its story a tale of miraculous survivors (see this link for a full story – click here“Under ...
As is well known, the ships were bombed by the English and there were few survivors, who were then shot by the SS while floating in the water. At the beginning of May 1945 the "Wehrmachts-SS" wanted us to go to the front. We took up position at the Elbe dyke between Zollen...