The most unspeakable crime of the 20thcentury – or any century, for that matter – actually inspired a lot of people to speak about it. It’s the great paradox of the Holocaust. The mere thought of the genocide of European Jewry both paralyzes and demands action.” The holohoax: the cr...
because there was no other way to advance over sand cluttered with American dead and wounded. ‘If there was any sign of life at all, I tried to avoid them’, one tank driver said. ‘But buttoned up, looking through the scope, it was hard to see. You just had to run over them....
at normal highway speeds – just like any other passenger vehicle. But in order to be capable of doing that, a very large, very heavy and very costly energy storage device is necessary. This device being the EV’s battery pack. It is the single most expensive component that goes into th...
and kept it. It was a signature, part of my style and identity, a silent declaration of ‘this is who I am and what I’m into’. Yeah, there was the odd cry of “Get a haircut!” and the like, but
Every unit has a crew – and the crew is the heart of any unit. Losing different crew members results in different penalties for the unit. Losing a gunner means the unit has fewer attacks, losing a driver means the unit has reduced mobility, and so on. ...
Yesterday was another day of hate on London’s streets. There hadbeen callsfor the demonstrations to be banned – but none of the authorities saw fit to do so. I have been doing this for many years and can see things have visibly become worse. Yet just as the streets in our cities de...
It’ll keep ratcheting until we reach Pinochet and all the leftists are dead or fled and the survivors will still think none of it is there fault. neilthelesser says: June 16, 2021 at 6:17 pm Your original error was, of course, taking at face value what the left *said* they ...
If there are any games you are backing or intend to back let us know what you like, who knows maybe you will convince others to hop on board with you! If there is a kickstarter game you feel is appropriate for this list that is absent feel free to make an addition to this list ...