System.String WssGroupName Type: System.String Description: local network account name of group输出输出类型是 cmdlet 所发出对象的类型。MSOSecurityGroup[] 示例Example 1: Get all security groupsThis command gets all the security groups.PowerShell 复制 PS C:\> Get-WssMsoAssignedGroup ...
The Remove-WssUserGroup cmdlet removes a user group. If you previously assigned a aad_1 security group to the group to remove, this cmdlet removes the assignment, but does not remove the security group.
The Remove-WssMsoGroup cmdlet removes a Windows aad_1 security group that is assigned to a Windows Server Essentials user group. This cmdlet removes both the assignment and the security group itself from aad_2. To remove just the assignment, use the Remo
-WssGroupNameSpecifies the name of a wseblue_2 user group. The cmdlet removes the assignment of a security group for the user group that you specify. 展開表格 Type: String Position: 0 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False...
GOAT Group 4 GREATS Brand 并购 2014-06-01 电子商务 美国 GREATS Brand是一家互联网高端休闲运动鞋提供商,主要通过线上业务销售意大利生产的高端运动鞋,是近年来走红网络的“小白鞋”品牌之一,深得嘻哈歌手 Kanye West、超模 Kendall Jenner 等时尚 icon的喜爱 。GREATS 以直接面向消费者提供紧跟潮流的款式而闻名...
The Leonard Group Metlife Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley NASCAR New York Life Proctor & Gamble Reebok Stryker Medical Zions Bancorporation Partner with WSS. Give us a call to discuss your needs. Whether it is a single search, talent mapping assignment, enterprise recruiting project or speaking engagem...
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-websocket</artifactId> </dependency> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. import com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; ...
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.1.1.RELEASE</version> <relativePath /> </parent> <!-- 这里设置本项目的groupId、artifactId和版本等信息 --> <groupId>com.yanger</groupId> ...
Add-WssMsoGroup Add-WssMsoUser Add-WssRemoteWebAccessLink Add-WssUser Add-WssUserGroup Add-WssUserGroupMembership Clear-AssignedHostedEmailAccount Clear-O365AssignedUser Clear-WssAlert Copy-WssClientRecoveryImage Disable-ExchangeIntegration Disable-FolderRedirection Disable-HostedEmailAccount Disable-HostedEmail...
组创建完毕后,将用户添加为组的成员。SPGroup 对象提供一个 AddUser 方法,该方法接受一个 SPUser 对象。 //为新组添加用户 NewGroup.AddUser(currentUser ); 总结:本文分析了WSS v3中的授权管理部分的各组成元素,结构图,安全对象的命名空间以及针对安全元素的相关编码。