GOAT Group 4 GREATS Brand 并购 2014-06-01 电子商务 美国 GREATS Brand是一家互联网高端休闲运动鞋提供商,主要通过线上业务销售意大利生产的高端运动鞋,是近年来走红网络的“小白鞋”品牌之一,深得嘻哈歌手 Kanye West、超模 Kendall Jenner 等时尚 icon的喜爱 。GREATS 以直接面向消费者提供紧跟潮流的款式而闻名...
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1 SIC 重庆川仪 WSS 工业双金属温度计 安装使用说明书 Installation and Use Instructions of 司WSS Industrial Bimetal 重庆川仪十七厂有限公Thermometer 重庆川仪十七厂有限公司 Chongqing Chuanyi Instrument No.17 Factory Co., Ltd. 公司用户在川仪心中,川仪在用户身边! 重庆川仪十七厂有限SIC Always by Your Side...
Spaces allows you to simply group hard drives into a storage pool without limiting future capacity expansion. This makes data protection, scalability and redundancy simple, without having to worry about RAID.Make the most of your storage and efficiently manage the amount of data on each disk with...
Production units:Shanghai Instrument Group Co.,LTD. Hits:466 Product Content: 本厂生产的又金属温度计其保护管、节头、锁紧螺栓等均采用1Cr18Ni9Ti材料,表壳采用铝板拉伸成型经切削加工表面黑色电泳处理,表盖与表盒采用环型双层橡胶圈螺纹密封锁紧结构,故仪表整体防水防腐性能良好,径向型仪表采用弯管型结构,外型新颖...
3 ANHUI TIANKANG(GROUP)SHARES CO.,LTD. 型号命名方法 W 温度仪表 S 金属膨胀式 S 感温元件双金属片 表壳公称直径 3 60 4 100 5 150 位置特征 0 轴向(直型) 1 径向(角型) 2 135°向(钝角型) 8 万向(可调角型) 安装固定装置 0 无固定装置 1 可动外螺纹 2 可动内螺纹 3 固定螺纹 4 固定法兰 ...
关键词 地铁隧道 wSS工法 注浆 施工技术 中图分类号 U2133 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1009—4539(2008)03—0045—03TechnologyofDoublePipeandNon—ShrinkageDoubleLiquidGroutingWSSofBeijingSubwayLine10LiuBaicheng(ChinaRailway20BureauGroupCoLtd.,Xi’an710016,China)AbstractBasedontheconstructionoftunnelbetweenTaiyanggong...
Spaces allows you to simply group hard drives into a storage pool without limiting future capacity expansion. This makes data protection, scalability and redundancy simple, without having to worry about RAID.Make the most of your storage and efficiently manage the amount of data on each disk with...
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:companyname Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:companysection Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:companyname.com Email Address []:companyname@qq.com ==������˫����֤֤�...
Spaces allows you to simply group hard drives into a storage pool without limiting future capacity expansion. This makes data protection, scalability and redundancy simple, without having to worry about RAID.Make the most of your storage and efficiently manage the amount of data on each disk with...