今天升级 WSL2 安装完 docker 后执行sudo service docker restart 出现docker: unrecognized service 完整cmd 如下 $ sudo service docker restart [sudo] password for sa: docker: unrecognized service $ docker -v Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0 更新 我的ubuntu 是从 windows store 安装 , 版本...
you can use docker within WSL (as if it was installed straight up there) and have the additional benefit of accessing your docker-services from other devices within the same network. Or even from outside of your network, if your firewall allows that ;-) ...
执行命令 sudo service docker start 报错如下: Jobfordocker.service failed because the control process exitedwitherror code.See"systemctl status docker.service"and"journalctl -xe"fordetails. 解决办法:将上述操作撤销,删除增加的文件 2、不能执行如下操作,否则会导致docker启动失败 1、在/etc/docker/daemon.j...
win10启用Wsl2,安装Docker desktop集成Ubuntu,配置windows环境下docker开发环境 -配置啦-研发运维人员必备网站 2022-12-05 回复2 蓝色的风 您好,请问我按照您的方法安装好了,最后在ubuntu里也能查看docker version了,但是我一启动服务sudo service docker start就报错Failed to start docker.service: Unit doc...
项目构建过程参考:https://macrozheng.github.io/mall-learning/#/中的linux下docker构建 在docker上搭建网站服务,设置了docker.service的execStart,添加tcp//:之后,mvn构建一直失败,说连不上本地的5375端口。 纠结了非常久才找到解决方法,其实之前在配置registry的时候曾经配置过,只不过搞不懂这个是什么...
因为wsl2已经完整使用了linux内核了,此种方式和先前在linux虚拟机安装docker类似,步骤如下: $curl-fsSLhttps://get.docker.com-oget-docker.sh$sudo shget-docker.sh$sudo service dockerstart 执行脚本安装过程中,脚本提示“建议使用Docker Desktop for windows”,20s内按Ctrl+C会退出安装,所以需要等待20s,另外此...
GPU Device 0: "Maxwell" with compute capability 5.0 终于成功了!!! Baidu Apollo安装注意事项: dev_start.sh中通过nvidia-smi判断是否有GPU,直接改为GPU可用 使用国内镜像:bash docker/scripts/dev_start.sh -g cn 如果/etc/docker/daedom.json 文件为空,service docker start 就会失败...
$ sudo service docker start docker: unrecognized service The following fails: $ docker run --gpus allnvcr.io/nvidia/k8s/cuda-sample:nbodynbody -gpu -benchmark docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver “” with capabilities: [[gpu]]. ...
1、下载Docker仓库 wget https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo 2、安装Docker引擎,docker-ce yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io 3、启动和开机自启Docker systemctl start docker && systemctl enable docker ...