Hello, I have an Internet access problem on all my WSL 2 virtual machines. They can't connect to the Internet. I'm currently in a company network with a domain. My colleague and I have the same problem on two different Windows 11 machines. We only have…
Windows Version Windows 11 Pro 24h2 26100.2605 WSL Version Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version Distro Version Kali-linux Other Software Terminal kali linux on WSL2 on Windows 11 Pro No internet ...
Version 10.0.19043 WSL Version WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version 5.10.16 Distro Version Ubuntu Other Software No response Repro Steps I installed Windows 10x64 Pro I did wsl --install That error at some point & I updated kernel > https://docs.m...
When I use Hyper-V to create a virtual machine by quick-create, after online-searching complete, it notices me a fault : 常规错误 , I dont know it is called in English Windows version. How to reslove this problem? Second: When I use WSL2 to install ubuntu22.04, no problem. But...
问WSL2虚拟can接口错误: recv失败,错误: 11,删除此节点4EN1. mysql连接失败HikariPool错误 1.1. 异常 com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool : HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. 1.2. 解决 引起程序无法启动的问题是 com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool 没能成功被 Spring 创建,原因是你的...
WSL 1. You can run WSL 1 and WSL 2 distros side by side, and can upgrade and downgrade any distro at any time. Adding WSL 2 as a new architecture presents a better platform for the WSL team to deliver features that make WSL an amazing way to run a Linux environment in Windows. ...
wsl --install ---no-distribution (安装wsl2, 会自动打开系统feature: wsl子系统,虚拟机平台. 除非运行失败,一般不再需要去控制面板--启用windows特性 ) 设置wsl默认版本为 wsl2: wsl --set-default-version 2 升级wsl2 内核版本: wsl --version (查看当前wsl版本, 内核版本, WSLg版本, Direct3D版本, win...
Just getting involved with Insider Preview...upgraded 2019 Datacenter (latest official release) to 20262. After the upgrade, downloaded and ran the Linux Kernel update package. When running WSL commands from the command-line, almost every command I run returns the same output thatwsl --help...
I would be glad to test and report back, because I like the idea of having both Windows and Linux containers on one host next to each other. thanks Lubomir Do you mean WSL1 or WSL2 here? WSL2 didn't exist at the time of Windows Server 2019, so that can't be the rationale,...
As soon as i connect to Cisco VPN, WSL2 looses connectivity to the internet as well connectivity to the host via WSL network adapter. Ping using loopback IPs works but not via the virtual ethernet adapters. Host IP: WSL info: 0 Helpful Reply lucienc Cisco Employee 11-...