为了在 Windows11 机器方便使用GPU,以及开源很多工程都提供docker入门,但WSL2慢,同时考虑本地已经搞了一个WSL1了会不会冲突,但虚拟机里面也安装不了WSL2,VMWare桌面虚拟机的话直接使用GPU没有很好的方式等等,纠结了一天,最终还是选了安装 WSL2+Docker Desktop。 跟着文章,你将会了解Windows+WLS2+Docker怎么跑GPU模...
Description: In this video of Install Ubuntu on wsl2 on Windows 11, you will learn how to install Ubuntu on wsl2 on Windows 11, without deploying a virtual machine. Wsl2 Windows 11 feature enables you to install Linux distribution on a Windows machine. You can install wsl2 on Windows 11...
Reclaim your time with the Z by HP data science software on WSL 2. Check out what tools and libraries are included in the preloaded software stack. Available on Both Windows 10 and 11 Distributions You can configure your data science workstation either by selecting Windows 10 or 11. Perf...
Updated on October 02, 2024 With WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2), you can run Linux GUI and command line apps directly in Windows without using a full-size virtual machine. Although WSL2 itself can be considered a virtual machine, it is very light and optimized specifically to run ...
Windows11 21H2 WSL2 Ubuntu2004 WSL2 Install 开启Windows功能: 系统设置 -> 应用 -> 可选功能 -> 最下边的 「更多 Windows 功能」 -> 找到并勾选 「Hyper-V」和「适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统」-> 点击确定 # 命令行开启虚拟化(如果下面安装过程中报错的话) ...
将WSL 2设置为默认版本, 在PS中继续输入指令wsl --set-default-version 2; 马上关闭管理员权限的PS.# Super User虽好, 可不要贪杯 PSC:\Windows\system32>wsl--update正在检查更新...正在下载更新...正在安装更新...此更改将在WSL下次完全重启时生效。若要强制重启,请运行“wsl--shutdown”。内核版本:5.10...
启用WSL2 首先,WSL2 能在 Windows 11 or Windows 10, Version 1903,Build 18362或更高的版本号中启用。 方式一:命令行方式。最快捷的方式莫过于命令行,一行命令即可完成启用和安装,wsl --install。该命令会帮助用户启用必要的系统组件,下载最新的 Linux 内核,设置 WSL2 为默认版本,下载并安装 Ubuntu 作为初始...
Checked Internet Connection on Windows: I confirmed that my internet connection was working fine on Windows 11, which indicated that the issue was specific to WSL2. Disabled Firewall: I temporarily disabled my firewall to rule out the possibility that it was blocking the connection. ...
Hello, I couldn't find a similar thread so I'm creating a new one. We currently use WSL2 to run some algorithms in our desktop application on Windows 10. With Windows 11 wsl2 does not work out of the box and wsl2 cannot start because it is missing…
I installed Docker on a clean laptop with the official Windows 11 with the latest update. Pre-installed WSL2 for Windows 11 according to Microsoft documentation. When running docker, the "docker starting..." is infinite. Attaching the error log. Error sending starting WSL engine: Docker.Core....