可以用记事本打开文件修改端口(无所谓, 创建一个文件夹存放配置( mkdir -p /etc/.kube/ 将conf放入你的虚拟机中的文件夹 使用--kubeconfig 参数显式指定 /etc/.kube/config 文件测试: kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/.kube/config get nodes 发现配置文件是正确起作用了,将其设置为系统环境变量 export KUBECONFIG...
When I start a Django server from WSL 2, and try to access to it by Google Chrome on windows by typing the url http://localhost:8000, I get "Connection refused" message. I tried also with htttp:// and with the ip of WSL 2 but still getting the same message. If I...
I've let only the ipv4 localhost address in WSL machine /etc/hosts without any result, the connection is refused to host of WSL machine eth0. 0 Andrey Dernov Created July 12, 2022 at 8:11 PM >the connection is refused to host of WSL machine eth0. What is the full...
默认情况下Windows上可以访问到WSL2里启动的服务。 而反过来,wsl2访问windows上启动的服务报 Connection refused 经搜索, Windows 的本地 ip 映射成了 nameserver ,要通过nameserver的ip访问 grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}' We can use this IP to access windows localhost. 参考...
java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:9080 on iOS Simulator test run mobile-dev-inc/maestro#628 Closed FunnyDevs commented Feb 10, 2023 Any news? I've the same problemSign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an accoun...
ssh localhost 我遇到的错误是 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused 可用的解决方法: 修改/etc/ssh/sshd_config配置中相应条目如下: PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication yes 增加 AllowUsers 你的用户名 重启sshd服务 $ sudo service ssh --full-restart ...
宿主机中搭建了一个网络服务,例如:http://localhost:3000/test,然后在wsl2中尝试去访问,首先需要找到宿主机的IP,然后再去访问,网上找了好多方案,都可以获取wsl2的ip: ifconfig // 找到eth0的ip ip addr // 找到eth0的ip hostname -I cat /etc/resolv.conf ...
connectto host localhost port 22:Connection refused,那就表示没安装或是没启动。 运行ps –e| grep ssh,查看是否有sshd的进程。如果没有那么就是server没有启动。 运行/etc/init.d/ssh –start进行启动server进程。如果提示没有ssh。那么就是没有安装server ...
As such you can access any ports on localhost e.g. if you had web content on port 1234 you could https://localhost:1234 into your Windows browser. 有用 回复 universe_king: 那如果我在win和wsl中都装了同一个应用,比如mysql,不修改默认端口,就都是3306,那会发生端口占用冲突吗? 回复2021-05...
wsl2+kali-rolling+win kex+Connection refused 10061 wsl2+kali,可以在win10下运行一个效率高于virtualbox等虚拟机的linux,kali-win-kex基于VNC(In computing, Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop-sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to remotely control ...