See more info here: [WSL 2] WSL 2 cannot access windows service via localhost:port #4619 (comment) Update your WSL to the latest pre-release by running this in CMD or Powershell wsl --update; wsl --update --pre-release. You can view the changes of the pre-release versions here: ...
My problem is that I cannot access the Docker container services from the host using the local IP (, localhost, The strange thing is that I can access them through my public IP over the Internet. Diagram: Windows 11 Host (Public IP: Private...
Try to access it from the browser using the localhost address:localhost:3000 -> The browser can't connect Re-start the app by specifying a different portPORT=3001 npm start -> The browser can connect Further details I expect that this is due to specific configuration on my machine, but I...
下载phpMyAdmin 并解压到 /mnt/e/wwwroot/default 目录,即 Nginx 配置文件中指定的默认网站目录。在浏览器中打开 http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ ,如果能顺利登录数据库,则说明不但 Nginx 和 php 没有问题,而且 Mysql 也没有问题。至此,Nginx php Mysql 已经完全能配合运行了。 : Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' 先用默认账户登...
输入http://localhost 或者,然后回车 1. 2. 如果出现 Welcome to nginx! 页面,说明 WSL 及 Nginx 服务器运行正常。 四、源码安装 MySql8.0 1、下载 MySql8.0 打开mysql官网,社区版下载页,当前最新版本是 8.0.21,操作系统选择 Linux-Generic ,这里根据自己的系统选择下载文件:mysql-8.0.21...
My problem is that I cannot access the Docker container services from the host using the local IP (, localhost, The strange thing is that I can access them through my public IP over the Internet. Diagram: Windows 11 Host (Public IP: Private...
输入http://localhost 或者,然后回车 如果出现 Welcome to nginx! 页面,说明 WSL 及 Nginx 服务器运行正常。 四、源码安装 MySql8.0 1、下载 MySql8.0 打开mysql官网,社区版下载页,当前最新版本是 8.0.21,操作系统...
目前我看官网主要推荐docker 方式了,那我们就用docker 方式试试。而且网上的安装教程也是docker 的居多【官方给出了一个教程】,我们也要与时俱进。
"Limit to Hosts Matching" 只能覆盖 localhost吗 创建这个IP用户之后还是访问不了 实践计划 基于你的当前知识背景,我将帮助你制定一小时学习WSL2的计划。这个计划将主要包括安装和配置WSL2,然后用WSL2运行一个简单的Java应用。由于你已经对Java EE和Spring框架有所了解,这将有助于我们实践的部分。 安装与配置WSL2...