JTDX WSJT-X v1.7 based HF evaluation version by UA3DJY UA3DJY IgorさんがWSJT-X v1.7.0 r6462のJT65AデコードルーチンをHF帯でのデコード特性を向上させた拡張バージョン。 Three-pass decoding や Preamp を搭載してオリジナル版WSJT-Xよりデコード率が高い。 強力な局の隣接周波数の局や...
https://www.silabs.com/developer-tools/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads 安装完毕后到mac里看一下是否有这个图标,然后打开它 这个时候需要连接你的电台到mac,不连接的话,在jtdx里是看不到新安装好的虚拟串口的哦。 选择红框内的串口,你的电脑就能正常收发了哦! 大叔抽空再写其他软件如何安装到...
#1 DD0WN WSJT-X CQ-Monitor Hello, I have a Kenwood TS590s with a Digikeyer2, a Yaesu FT736R with the DXP sound modem. If I start WSJT-X via CQRLOG for example, my TS590, then I have the WSTJ-X CQ monitor window. If I switch to the FT736R in WSJT-X via Configurations,...
As we know wsjt-x stops TX if answer to CQ is done at same frequency as CQ calling and answer does not come to us. But if we answer to CQ using split frequency our TX stays on even when CQ caller answers to someone else. This new feature of cqrlog's wsjt-x monitor works so tha...
again, even when you download an updated version of WSJT-X. It might be necessary if you upgrade macOS. NEXT: Drag the WSJT-X app to your preferred location, such as Applications. Expand All@@ -65,43 +48,52 @@ under the WSJT-X Menu and fill in various station details on the Gener...
GridTracker is a Windows (XP or above) companion program for WSJT-X. It listens to WSJT-X or JTDX decodes and displays them on a map. A great way to visualize communicating amateurs around the world! Display on a large second monitor in your amateur radio club, hamfest or as a demonst...
https://www.silabs.com/developer-tools/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads 安装完毕后到mac里看一下是否有这个图标,然后打开它 这个时候需要连接你的电台到mac,不连接的话,在jtdx里是看不到新安装好的虚拟串口的哦。 选择红框内的串口,你的电脑就能正常收发了哦!
oh1kh Explain Wsjt-x CQ monitor Hi Tim! The info you are looking for can be found, as usually, from the help. (NewQSO/top menu rightmost item "Help") Select "Help index" and you should get help opened to your web bowser.