JTDX WSJT-X v1.7 based HF evaluation version by UA3DJY UA3DJY IgorさんがWSJT-X v1.7.0 r6462のJT65AデコードルーチンをHF帯でのデコード特性を向上させた拡張バージョン。 Three-pass decoding や Preamp を搭載してオリジナル版WSJT-Xよりデコード率が高い。 強力な局の隣接周波数の局や...
接下来如果想要安装WSJT-x的话,到以下网址下载: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wsjt/ 安装步骤和jtdx一样,终端内的代码如下: sudo cp /Volumes/WSJT-X/com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons 【回车】 输入系统密码后回车,再次输入以下代码: sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wsjtx...
This new feature of cqrlog's wsjt-x monitor works so that if answering to CQ is initiated by double clicking a line of wsjt-x monitor, and "sTx" (stop TX) checkbox is checked, wsjt-x monitor will stop TX (with UDP command) if answer is not directed to us. Now also when making a...
WSJT-X CQ-Monitor Hello, I have a Kenwood TS590s with a Digikeyer2, a Yaesu FT736R with the DXP sound modem. If I start WSJT-X via CQRLOG for example, my TS590, then I have the WSTJ-X CQ monitor window. If I switch to the FT736R in WSJT-X via Configurations, WSJT-X is...
version of WSJT-X. You can now close the Terminal window. It will not be necessary to repeat this procedure again, even when you download an updated version of WSJT-X. It might be necessary if you upgrade macOS. NEXT: Drag the WSJT-X app to your preferred location, such as Applications...
GridTracker is a Windows (XP or above) companion program for WSJT-X. It listens to WSJT-X or JTDX decodes and displays them on a map. A great way to visualize communicating amateurs around the world! Display on a large second monitor in your amateur radio club, hamfest or as a demonst...
https://www.silabs.com/developer-tools/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads 安装完毕后到mac里看一下是否有这个图标,然后打开它 这个时候需要连接你的电台到mac,不连接的话,在jtdx里是看不到新安装好的虚拟串口的哦。 选择红框内的串口,你的电脑就能正常收发了哦!
oh1kh Explain Wsjt-x CQ monitor Hi Tim! The info you are looking for can be found, as usually, from the help. (NewQSO/top menu rightmost item "Help") Select "Help index" and you should get help opened to your web bowser.
If you have used it I guess you have accidentally closed CQ monitor from the top right corner X meaning that you close wsjt remote. How ever that does not close remote, but closes only monitor window and you can continue using wsjt remote without monitor window. ...