GridTracker is a Windows (XP or above) companion program for WSJT-X. It listens to WSJT-X or JTDX decodes and displays them on a map. A great way to visualize communicating amateurs around the world! Display on a large second monitor in your amateur radio club, hamfest or as a demonst...
WSJT by Joe Taylor, K1JT, is a free software program for weak signal digital communication. Using a standard transceiver with a computer interface, the program allows communication with signal levels near or below the audible signal level. It allows operators to work more stations than they might...
This is set as warning for youto check that you are in directed area before answering to his/her CQ. I.E.In case of CQ DX you should be in DIFFERENT CONTINENT as the CQ callerto be a valid DX for him. Program does not warn you if it thinks you are real DX for caller. Otherwis...
–stylesheet :/qdarkstyle/style.qss Step six– click apply then OK. Step seven– click on your new short cut and open up WSJT-X – remember to change the colours to suit your own needs inside the wsjt-x program. Any questions…don’t ask...
We particularly wish to thank Greg Beam, KI7MT, whose JTSDK software development kit has helped many WSJT-X users build the program for themselves, from the source code; and Dr. CW. Suckling, G3WDG; Roger G. Sturtevant, VE1SKY; Rex Moncur, VK7MO, and Roger B. Rehr, W3SZ, for ...
#2 oh1kh WSJT-X CQ-Monitor Hi Uwe! If you have wsjt-x remote ON at cqrlog then closing WSJTX program will send an UDP message from it to cqrlog telling that WSJTX program is closing. Then cqrlog also closes WSJT-X remote connection. ...
- deleted JT65 program source code, this software was used for the test purpose - deleted JT4 related Fortran source code - JT65: withdrawn (21 + QSO frequency) number of candidates limitation for the first subpass of the first pass of decoding ...
DragonOSis a ready to use Ubuntu Linux image that comes preinstalled with multiple SDR program. The creator of DragonOS, Aaron, uploads various YouTube tutorials showing how to use some of the preinstalled software. This month one of his tutorials covers how to use a SDRplay RSP1A or a Hac...
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