After one year transpired, the WSJ jacked up the rate to $49.99 per month -- no communication, no warning, no reminder. So, my business card was charged the 8.3X rate for several months before it came to my attention. When I tried to cancel, THEN they offer me a $5.33 per month ...
full-time employment grew at an average monthly rate of 114,000 while part-time employment dropped an average of 6,000 a month. So far this year, as ObamaCare is being implemented, full-time employment has grown at an average monthly rate of 21,700 while part-time employment...
“Hi Steve, I switched my Marriott Amsterdam booking from the refundable to the non-refundable rate. Before the change it was 2,743.23 Euros. After getting the non-refundable pre-pay rate it went down to 1,551.64 Euros. I saved 1,191.59 Euros which is more than $1,310 !!! Thanks for...
I think the idea here is less personal journaling and more of an expanded Screen Time feature to give you a breakdown of what you’re doing, then present you with a summary of trends so YOU can change your habits you may have been unaware of. That’s my theory anywa...
s markets one can construct the equivalent of a 22-month gold note yielding 1%, by arbitraging regular Treasury note yields for June 1983 maturities (17%) and the forward delivery premiums of gold (16% annual rate) inferred from June 1983 futures contracts. Presumably five-year note issues ...
spacing between the devices resembling that of Microsoft Kinect ™, the device used to record the CHiME-5 dataset. This was done so that we could use the real ambient noise captured as part of CHiME-5 dataset. The room impulse responses (RIR) were simulated for a sampling rate of 16,...
History. She Fought to Change That. 4 days ago The educator, who died at age 97, founded and ran the Washington International School, believing that an international education could blunt the worst efects of nationalism. Continue To Article ...
他发现,从1880年到1990年,这些行业的产出实际上平均增长了175%,是实际GNP增长率的7倍。He found that output in those industries actually increased by an average of 175% from 1880-90-seven times thegrowth rateof real GNP. 平均而言,表面上被垄断的行业的价格下降速度是镀金时代神话的三倍,这反过来又产...
. However, these results are sensitive to many factors, especially the rate of waning of vaccine effectiveness, about which there remains considerable uncertainty. 接种工作应持续进行,因为流感季的持续时间各不相同,流感可能直到2月、3月或更晚才在某些社区开始活跃(20)。服务提供者应在健康检查中为尚未...