I am reminded of this in aWSJ articleI saw today about a lynching of Italian immigrants in New Orleans in 1891 New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell will officially apologize Friday for the largest mass lynching in U.S. history. On March 14, 1891, the city of New Orleans became a charnel ho...
Certainly a gold-based monetary system will necessarily prevent fiscal imprudence, as 20th Century history clearly demonstrates. Nonetheless, once achieved, the discipline of the GOLD STANDARD would surely reinforce anti-inflation policies, and make it far more difficult to resume financial profligacy. T...
同样,霍华德·津恩(Howard Zinn)在他最畅销的美国历史教科书的教师指南中写道,“经历过镀金时代的普通人……Likewise, in the teacher's guide to his bestselling American history textbook, Howard Zinn writes that "ordinary people who lived through the Gilded Age... 经历了巨大的苦难和损失. . . .expe...
(8)、Friedman M. & Schwartz A. : A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, Princeton University Press, 1963 (9)、Karras G.: Are the Output Effect of Monetary Policy Asymmetric? Evidence from a Sample of European Countries, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol.58, 19...
. However, these results are sensitive to many factors, especially the rate of waning of vaccine effectiveness, about which there remains considerable uncertainty. 接种工作应持续进行,因为流感季的持续时间各不相同,流感可能直到2月、3月或更晚才在某些社区开始活跃(20)。服务提供者应在健康检查中为尚未...
. However, these results are sensitive to many factors, especially the rate of waning of vaccine effectiveness, about which there remains considerable uncertainty. 接种工作应持续进行,因为流感季的持续时间各不相同,流感可能直到2月、3月或更晚才在某些社区开始活跃(20)。服务提供者应在健康检查中为尚未...
. However, these results are sensitive to many factors, especially the rate of waning of vaccine effectiveness, about which there remains considerable uncertainty. 接种工作应持续进行,因为流感季的持续时间各不相同,流感可能直到2月、3月或更晚才在某些社区开始活跃(20)。服务提供者应在健康检查中为尚未...