WSCF abbr.World's Student Christian Federation 世界基督教学生同盟 相关短语 curry abbr. n. 马梳,马栉 Christian's disease 克里斯琴氏病 Christian s disease 慢性特发性黄瘤病 Christian's syndrome 【医】 克里斯琴氏综合征(慢性特发性黄瘤病) Young Men's Christian Associationm 基督教青年会 Young Women...
WSCF 美 英 abbr.(=World's Student Christian Federation)世界基督教学生同盟 网络世界学生基督徒联盟(World Student Christian Federation);世界基督徒学生联盟;世界基督徒学生运动联盟 英汉 英英 网络释义 abbr. 1. (=World's Student Christian Federation)世界基督教学生同盟 ...
而thinktecture提供的WSCF(Web Services Contract-First)正是一个这样简化开发人员契约设计工作的工具,这个工具提供了很多功能和特性来帮助开发人员将精力集中在契约先行开发中最重要的步骤:消息和操作设计。WSCF作为一个插件和Visual Studio 2003进行了非常好的集成,因此开发人员和架构师能够在不离开习惯的IDE时继续工作。
At WSCF we’re about family. Whether you’ve journeyed with us for years or have just arrived, our What’s On section will help you find ways to connect with the Church family in smaller groups. Read more CONNECT Are you younger or older, male or female, spent time in a Church famil...
VS中利用WSCF开发Web服务 1)创建ASP.NET Web服务项目 步骤如下:File→New→Web Site→ASP.NET Web Service→选择Language为Visual C#,并指定项目文件路径,比如F:\EcoModelService→单击OK。 2)生成服务WSDL描述文件 依据设计的M模型消息模式,采用Thinkturce的WSCF工具,生成服务WSDL描述文件,具体步骤如下:...
Structurally, the national movements cluster around WSCF Regional Offices which administer most of the international programmes. The Inter-Regional Office in Geneva serves an overall coordinating function.doi:10.1007/978-1-349-12037-6_33Ann C. M. Taylor...
WSCF: a framework for Web service-based application supporting environment WSCF: A Framework for Web Service-Based Application Supporting Environment Richard Shaull and the Struggle for the Identity of the WSCF Waste Sampling & Characterization Facility (WSCF) Complex Safety Analysis ...
WSCFis a Visual Studio extension that provides the following features: For the endpoints and the client proxy, WSCF also generates the necessary configuration file. Release Notes and VSIX package downloads are available on theGitHub Releasespage. ...
WSCF 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 AI解释 词组搭配 英语百科 英语维基词典 全文检索英汉-汉英词典 abbr. World's Student Christian Federation 界基生同盟 用户正在搜索 avowedly, avowry, AVP, AVR, Avram, AVRE, avris, Avron, AVS, AVT, 相似单词 WSAT, WSB, WSBP, WSBS, ...