Top performing teamsfrom the Global Roundare invited. Scale 2500 students Tournament of Champions * Top teams in regional rounds will be invited to the Global Round. Themes and Subjects Each year, all teams focus on a current global theme, exploring it from the perspectives of different dis...
Combined with our teams who participated in the December regional rounds (online), CISH now has 7 teams qualified and prepared to go to the Global Rounds this August and September in Xiamen, China and Bangkok, Thailand: 加上参加了12月份的线上区域赛的队伍,CISH目前有7组队伍,并且获得了8、9月...
我们大多数人没有意识到的是,淋浴实际上是古希腊文明留给人类的遗产之一。Have you ever thought about what life would be like without the ability to take a shower? Most of us take showers without even thinking about it. We basical...
2024 WSC Weekly No.1玛氏超市和条形码的故事1974年6月26日,俄亥俄州特洛伊市见证了历史——这里的玛氏超市(Marsh Supermarke)的收银台扫描了第一件标有通用产品代码 (UPC) 的商品——这是一种条形码符号,如今在全球范围内被广泛用于跟踪商店中的商品。玛氏超市...
lessons learnt and connections forged is even more important than the medals and trophies. It is believe that this competition can helpHongwenstudents to grow both as scholars and as compassionate, empathetic and motivated global citizens and look forward to future rounds and the learning they will...
WSC Sports Technologies focuses on AI technology applied in sports content within the sports industry. The company provides a platform that automates the creation, management, and distribution of sports content for sports teams, leagues, and broadcasters. It was founded in 2011 and is based in Giv...
Actually, we raised our A round from an American investor before starting our U.S. operations. In today’s world, which is so global, and especially with Covid-19’s impact, investors are much more accustomed to investing in remote companies as long as the product and business make sense...
attended this event where they were competing for global rounds which are being held in different regions of the world. Our two teams not only brought back many medals and of course colorful alpacas, the official mascot of World Scholar’s Cup, but they also qualified for the global rounds....
About the Global Round More than 5,000 scholars from over 50 countries: three times a year we invite qualifying teams from all over the world to join us for Global Rounds that bring together our entire international community. The first of our Global Rounds in 2019 will take place at the ...
lessons learnt and connections forged is even more important than the medals and trophies. It is believe that this competition can help Hongwen students to grow both as scholars and as compassionate, empathetic and motivated global citizens and look forward to future rounds and the learning they wi...