The CISH World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Senior and Junior teamshave just returned from competing at the Global Round in Xiamen, China on August 14, 2023. All of our CISH teams performed wonderfully, developed their speaking and writi...
最后,我校共三支队伍成功晋级耶鲁冠军锦标赛。 From July 15th to 20th, a total of 8 students from our school participated in the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) 2021Shanghai Global Round. The theme of this year is"A World ...
Our CISH World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Senior and Junior teams have just returned from competing at the Hefei Regional Round at Hefei Ansheng School. All three of our teams performed excellently and have advanced to the Global Round. Overall, our teams won 3 trophies, 61 gold medals, and 22...
#比赛形式Origional Round 全年区域赛,世界各地合作学校举行👇Global Round6/7/8月全球赛,世界不同城市举行👇Tournament of Champions11月冠军赛,美国耶鲁大学支持并承办#主要环节① Team Debate(团队辩论)② Collaborative Writing (协同写作):每个团队会有6个题目,在进行15分钟的research和团队讨论后,队员...
2023 WSC世界学者杯中国区域轮、厦门全球轮、耶鲁冠军轮均已在去年结束,2024年新一轮城市赛已经启动。 华北地区 2024 World Scholar’s Cup-北京 Round 华东地区 2024World Scholar’s Cup-上海 Round 华南地区 2024World Scholar’s Cup-佛山 Round 中西地区 ...
so well at the Regional round, the students are now working towards the Semi-Global round in ...
世界学者杯全球轮(The World Scholar’s Cup Global Round)恭喜两队成功挺进即将在耶鲁大学举办的冠军总决赛🏆 WSC世界学者杯全球轮厦门站落下帷幕!1500名全国优秀晋级学者云集,高手对决。跨越区域限制,站 - 西北大学海外留服于20230814发布在抖音,已经收获了776个
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从某种程度上说,在人造的淋浴器真正被发明之前,人类已经进行了某种形式的淋浴了。人们会站在瀑布下,作为一种帮助促进沐浴的方式,虽然能否用这 2023 WSC Weekly 8个
2024 WSC Weekly No.1玛氏超市和条形码的故事1974年6月26日,俄亥俄州特洛伊市见证了历史——这里的玛氏超市(Marsh Supermarke)的收银台扫描了第一件标有通用产品代码 (UPC) 的商品——这是一种条形码符号,如今在全球范围内被广泛用于跟踪商店中的商品。玛氏超市...